Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Better late than never


Zimbabwe’s officialdo­m about historians being assembled to put together the history of the armed struggle to serve as a mirror in which future generation­s would look so as not to waver in their sustenance of the revolution and equality it guaranteed human beings as God’s creation.

But come to the Second Republic and one will no doubt be aware of no progress in the writing of liberation history but rather in lip-fogging, as it were, on this very important topic.

An impeccable source in the ruling Zanu-PF, and one who also actively participat­ed in the liberation struggle, confirmed to this communicol­ogist two days ago that the way forward in putting together an authentic history of the armed liberation of this country remained clouded in uncertaint­ies. To begin with, some authentic documents on the armed revolution “were burned” or somehow destroyed by the enemy, while, currently, some Zimbabwean­s did not regard as true the writings of others about the armed revolution, said the source.

The contradict­ions delayed work being done in the writing of Zimbabwe’s liberation history which the source said was of critical importance as a guide to future generation­s.

However he said “something is being done” to produce a credible history of the armed revolution that gave birth on April 18, 1980, to a sweet little baby Uhuru which would anyway still have come by Caesarean section if Geneva, and later, Lancaster House had failed to produce a breakthrou­gh in the stalemate question of independen­ce and freedom for the black people of this country.

Add to the source’s assurances the altruism “better late than never,” because of a dubious historical account hurriedly crafted by pretentiou­s liberation struggle experts — the were-also-theres and probably agents of imperialis­m infiltrate­d to subvert the revolution does not wash for Zimbabwe as for any other country for that matter.

Many Zimbabwean­s talked to by this writer said, for instance, that women who played an important role providing food to freedom fighters and also communicat­ing vital informatio­n, among other services, were not yet accorded the importance that they deserve for their services during the struggle.

Not only that. The bush or countrysid­e – what white settlers pejorative­ly called the “periphery”/ the “sticks” — which was the womb that bore the armed revolution to its completion has generally not nurtured the liberation struggle.

For instance, the villagers no doubt expect Government’s full interventi­on with drought power and seed for adequate food production to take place as many of the rural folk have lost cattle to drought as draught power and have little to eat with little or no seed to plant this cropping season.

If the villagers do not receive adequate Government support there might be a repeat of famine next year with urban areas that sponge on the countrysid­e for food having to require imported food for their survival as well as for the majority of Zimbabwean­s out there in the countrysid­e.

The authoritie­s might also wish to make impassione­d pleas to young Zimbabwean­s and to other, able-bodied citizens to return home from neighbouri­ng countries and help in the economic recovery of the motherland.

At the same time, the progressiv­e world should put more pressure on the Western countries that have imposed a crippling economic embargo on this country for no other crime than introducin­g a land reform programme to help our people manage their lives adequately after independen­ce.

Meanwhile, here at home, the blitz against corruption by those who no doubt must have infiltrate­d the liberation struggle as a way to fatten themselves and are now sabotaging our freedom, should be intensifie­d with the criminals rusticated in the shade to reap their deserts.

THE long-awaited rains are finally upon us but they are coming at a time when farmers in Matabelela­nd North and South provinces have lost an estimated 10 000 cattle to drought. Teachers had resorted to buying water in districts such as Gwanda, Beitbridge, Lupane and Binga as most water sources had dried up.

We celebrate the opening up of the heavens which have rekindled hope for a good cropping season.

Unfortunat­ely the rainy season does come with a downside. Already there are reports of people being struck by lightning here in Bulawayo and in other parts of the country. We all need to stay safe during storms, life is precious.

My heart goes to the victims of Cyclone Idai who are yet to be relocated to their homes and the Tsholotsho flood victims who are also awaiting the completion of their new houses.

More than 700 people from 170 households in Chimaniman­i, whose homes were destroyed by Cyclone Idai in March, are still living in tents as the rainy season approaches.

Government has identified three farms for the relocation of the victims and these are Greenmount, The Flats and Nedziwa.

Seventy out of 350 families are yet to be relocated in Tsholotsho while the rest have since moved in to new homes.

Statistics from the Department of Civil Protection show that there are about 30 000 people from Cyclone Idai-hit areas, who are staying in tents and they risk being washed away if there is flooding during the coming rainy season.

The rainy season can also take a toll on health, particular­ly in children as it brings humidity, mosquitoes and seasonal diseases.

The common cold occurs frequently during this time. Influenza manifests as running nose, blocked nose or sneezing, fever or headache. It can be one or more of these symptoms. It is due to a viral infection, which spreads as a droplet infection. Objects touched by many people such as phones, door handles and remote controls, also become source of infection due to being contaminat­ed. However, medical experts say it is a self-subsiding condition and does not need treatment as such.

Heavy rains with possible flooding can make commuting more difficult. If you have the chance to avoid hours when congestion is at its peak, do so. Avoid the hassle and the possibilit­y of getting stuck in a downpour, leave earlier in the morning, especially if you are using public transport. Hopefully ZUPCO will fast sort out the issue of shelters at its pick- up and drop-off points around the city as people have been braving the scorching heat waiting for cheaper rides home. Wet weather is a totally different story.

Those prone to allergy can catch colds due to change in climate and vegetation. Attacks of asthma can be precipitat­ed and aggravated in this weather. Skin diseases such as eczema can also be aggravated, particular­ly in babies.

Wet weather followed by warm sunny days provides the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. People in malaria-prone areas such as Binga district should therefore be on the lookout and get rid of stagnant water around them. Besides the malaria factor, mosquitoes are just a nuisance during this season, you can hardly sleep.

As rains wash flowing sewage from burst manholes and dirt into water bodies, water reservoirs become contaminat­ed. Use of such untreated water could cause water-borne diseases such as diarrhoea, typhoid and cholera. It is therefore important to maintain the highest levels of hygiene during this time.

Diarrhoea, typhoid and cholera are all food and water-borne diseases. These can be prevented by drinking water only from safe sources. Or if unsure, boil water for five minutes or use chlorine, water guard or a few drops of bleach to treat the water. Cook food well and always have it covered to prevent contaminat­ion and always wash hands before preparing or handling food and after using the toilet.

If waste is not managed properly during the rainy season, it may result in devastatin­g effects which include water pollution which subsequent­ly leads to water-borne diseases such as cholera, typhoid and dysentery. Mismanagem­ent of municipal waste can result in the blockage of storm drains which in turn cause flash floods especially in urban areas.

During this time of the year, the market will be flooded with various types of foodstuffs such as amazhanje, cooked or roasted green mealies and mangoes, among others. These foodstuffs have a great potential of littering the environmen­t if not handled with care. Extra effort needs to be taken to ensure that the environmen­t remains clean.

The rainy season coincides with the festive season and during this period extra waste is generated as a result of the procuremen­ts that are related to the festive season.

For those with children it is best to bath babies during the hottest time of the day and ensure that they eat warm meals, particular­ly if the wet weather is accompanie­d by chills. Children love to play in the rain, discourage them from the practice and try to keep them indoors when it rains.

The rainfall season is a season of productivi­ty and multiplica­tion, may it bring fruitfulne­ss to your endeavours. — @andile_tshuma

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