Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

From the Ordinary to Extraordin­ary


1 Corinthian­s 1 vs 27 -28

“BUT God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things — and the things that are not — to nullify the things that are.”

Have you ever thought that God will not use you because you are too ordinary? When you see these seemingly “super Christians” dynamic, successful, gifted men and women of God doing His work and you ask yourself, do I even qualify, what can God do with me? Yet He is not seeking highly gifted or accomplish­ed, flashy, powerful or famous people to use for His purpose, He uses ordinary men and women who are humble and have a desire to be close to Him and step up and serve.

God loves to use small things, He delights in using nobodies and nothings to accomplish His purpose. There are so many examples of ordinary men and women that God raised from nowhere and used them in extraordin­ary ways; David, Paul, Gideon, Joseph, Jeremiah, and so many others. He does the extraordin­ary in what appears average; the stable, shepherds, fishermen, a donkey, fish and bread, a burning bush, a stick, there are so many examples in the Bible.

While we are so obsessed with grand, bigger, better, louder, outstandin­g, fame, He works in the simplest things because He is most glorified by this. Therefore do not be intimidate­d or feel you are too small to be of any significan­ce in His kingdom; what the world condemns or overlooks, He uses for greatness through His grace. Remain humble, motivated and inspired by your hunger for more of Him and direct your gifts, talents and abilities towards serving Him, and His grace and blessings will follow you.

Be blessed

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