Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Zanu-PF gears up for Central Committee elections

- Nqobile Tshili Chronicle Reporter

PREPARATIO­NS for the ruling party ZanuPF Central Committee elections are gathering momentum with cadres who have been in the party for at least 15 years expected to contest for positions in the critical policy making body.

Dates for Central Committee elections are expected to be announced soon. The internal elections will be held ahead of the Zanu- PF’s 7th National People’s Congress set for 26 to 29 October in Harare.

Canvassing for votes has already started among party members in different provinces.

Zanu- PF national political commissar, Cde Mike Bimha, said the Central Committee elections were expected to strengthen the party’s internal democracy.

He said senior party members with traceable leadership are expected to participat­e in the Central Committee elections.

“The Central Committee is actually the policy making body so its a very important organ of the party.

It makes policies, recommends policies, it reviews the constituti­on and approves the constituti­on.

“So, it’s a high policy making body and therefore it is important. We expect that we will get people who can make meaningful contributi­ons to the party in terms of strengthen­ing the party and moving it forward,” said Cde Bimha in an interview.

He said the party has guidelines and expects people who have been in the structures for not less than 15 years to contest and these should be individual­s who have held positions at provincial level and above.

In 2017 the Central Committee recalled the late former President Cde Mugabe from the party’s presidency. Cde Bimha said dates for the polls are yet to be finalised.

“We expect that the elections will be conducted smoothly and in a transparen­t manner as party members exercise their right to vote. The dates will be advised soon,” said Cde Bimha.

He however the party was yet to advise members regarding the campaigns although some have already started canvassing for votes.

Cde Bimha however said party members can only start canvassing for votes when their candidatur­e has been approved at a national level.

“Some people have started campaignin­g but they do not know whether they have qualified. Some might waste time and resources only to be disqualifi­ed,” said Cde Bimha.

He said aspiring candidates are vetted and the Presidium approves the final list.

“Individual­s should therefore not assume that by applying and submitting CVs, they are candidates for the elections. It’s an act of indiscipli­ne to go and campaign before you know whether you are in or not,” said Cde Bimha.

Meanwhile, Cde Bimha said preparatio­ns for the 7th National People’s Congress are at an advanced stage. He said while in the past year, the party was forced to conduct a hybrid event for the National People’s Conference due to the outbreak of Covid-19, this time it will use a single venue for the congress. -@nqotshili

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