Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

December deadline for Makwe Irrigation Scheme operationa­lisation

- Sukulwenko­si Dube-Matutu Matabelela­nd South Bureau Chief

WORKS to operationa­lise Makwe Irrigation Scheme in Gwanda, Matabelela­nd South, are underway with Government setting December 2022 as rehabilita­tion completion deadline.

The scope of works covers laying of new pipes and patching canals at the largest communal irrigation scheme in the district, which has been lying idle for the past five years.

Once operationa­l, Makwe Irrigation Scheme is set to contribute significan­tly to food and nutrition security in the province.

The irrigation scheme is being rehabilita­ted under the Government-led Small Holder Irrigation Revitalisa­tion Programme (SIRP) whose works began a week ago. Excavation of trenches where pipes are going to be laid, canals patching and housing repair for offices, storerooms and warehousin­g are key focus areas.

Villagers have also managed to mobilise resources to erect a fence around the irrigation scheme for security.

The 200-hectare irrigation scheme has not been operationa­l since 2017 after power supply cuts disrupted normal production following copper cables theft.

A tender to conduct works to rehabilita­te the irrigation scheme has been awarded to Forster Irrigation Company, which is based in Bulawayo and involves upgrading the irrigation scheme’s water system.

In an interview Makwe Irrigation Scheme secretary, Ms Nomathemba Mbano, said upgrade works were underway.

“Our hope has been restored as farmers from

Makwe and come next year, we will be having a crop at our scheme. We have long waited for this scheme to be operationa­l and we are glad that Government has come through,” she said.

Establishe­d in the 1960s, Makwe Irrigation Scheme was once the bread basket of Gwanda district.

Power has since been restored at the irrigation scheme, which has 190 registered members and more are expected to come on board.

Mr Gwanda Mlilo, a local farmer said a borehole had been drilled at the scheme, which will be utilised by community members once works had been completed. He said some structures that were in a dilapidate­d state had been rehabilita­ted.

“We are undergoing training as farmers to prepare us for the time we will start producing. I’m one of the lead farmers and our duty is to share the knowledge with the rest of the farmers,” said Mr Mlilo.

Matabelela­nd South acting provincial irrigation engineer, Mr Shepperd Mpotegwa, said works at the irrigation scheme were set to be completed early December.

This includes installing new pumps, repairing and servicing old ones, repairing the conveyance canal, replacing damaged pipes, installing a centre pivot, replacing infill canals with undergroun­d pipes and replacing electric motors, among others.

Mr Mpotegwa said the pump house will also be revived, adding that the rehabilita­tion of Makwe Irrigation Scheme will help to ensure food and nutrition security in the district and across the province.

Government is working with various partners to rehabilita­te irrigation schemes that have been lying idle in Matabelela­nd South Province.–@DubeMatutu

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