Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Passionate Bubi banana farmer inspires community

- Rejoyce Sibanda Chronicle Reporter “I utilised the internet and social media platforms in obtaining knowledge”

DRIVEN by passion and zeal to invest in something that could generate sustainabl­e income, Mr Dumisani Gumpo (56), has ventured into commercial banana farming at his plot in Nkenyane area of Bubi District, Matabelela­nd North province.

His inspiratio­n stems from his father’s farm where the family used to grow basic crops such as maize for their own consumptio­n but he has graduated to commercial farming.

Today Mr Gumpo has 600 banana plants of a Williams variety 909, which are the shorthybri­d type which is very nutritious and sweet.

He says the plenty sunshine in Matabelela­nd North is what makes the bananas sweet.

“We are harvesting the first lot this month. We will give people to taste the bananas so that they also venture into banana farming” said Mr Gumpo.

He said the second harvest is between November and December and the bananas will be sold locally.

“I want to promote banana farming and I have already given 100 banana plants to Mrs Cookie Moyo and Chief Mtshana Khumalo,” said Mr Gumpo.

The Internet played a huge role in imparting new knowledge, says Mr Gumpo who is married to Siphathoku­hle (42) and the couple has six daughters.

“I utilised the internet and social media platforms in obtaining knowledge and this is when I came across my mentor, Mr Bright Nezomba, who also shares the same passion for banana farming,” he said.

Mr Gumpo said Mr Nezomba is a very experience­d expert in banana farming and processing and has been doing it for more than 15 years.

He said the other inspiratio­n was that his area has favourable conditions for banana farming.

Mr Gumpo said on October 29 he would be sponsoring a workshop at Nkenyane Business Centre for banana farming where his mentor is going to engage farmers and other stakeholde­rs.

He encouraged people to eat banana products such as banana flour and chips, which are 100 percent organic

“A lot of money can be generated from commercial banana farming hence I encourage people to venture into banana farming,” said Mr Gumpo.

He said one can harvest from the same banana plant for 15 years without cutting it.

Mr Gumpo said other advantages of banana farming are that they do not require too much labour, are not seasonal as people can eat them throughout the year.

He said he has learnt to use chicken manure in place of expensive fertiliser­s.

“Farming should have diversity. I am grateful for the inputs that l receive from the Government that assist people like me who are passionate about farming,” he said.

Mr Gumpo said he is planning to venture into farming macadamia and pecan nuts.

“These can be harvested for 30 years so its a good investment,” he said. -@ReeSibanda

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