H Metro



- Trust Khosa

HE groomed geniuses, inspired laggards, accommodat­ed and whipped “hotheads” into line.

For his calling and unparallel­ed mentorship, he has also been glorified and ridiculed by many.

At 65 and still as fit as a fiddle, he neither shows signs of hanging the guitar nor exhaustion.

With all his material possession, he seems unready to go on retirement and enjoy “pension” in the comfort of any of his three well-furnished houses.

Oozing with confidence than ever, he has become a regular on the winners’ podium, bagging national gongs and certificat­es of merit.

With Zimbabwe turning 41 this Sunday, the unassuming songsmith, teacher and mentor, will also be celebratin­g milestones in his career.

In his case, he turned 65 early this month, of which 46 have been spent “zigzagging” the guitar as a profession­al.

He will also be celebratin­g 38 years at the helm of Khiama Boys, a rare milestone at a time when death has claimed many of his peers. In short, this is just a teaser about Madzibaba Nicholas Zakaria.


Like any other poor lad plucked from the back of beyond to become a household name, Madzibaba is an epitome of hard work, resilience and focus.

Of course, his music is popular with many, but the singer took H-Metro down memory lane reflecting on the path he has travelled.

“I was born in Mazowe on the 5th of April 1956 and was raised at Belgone Farm.

“I was born in a family of 11, where my parents were blessed with four boys and seven girls, myself being the third child.

“My father Maluwa Chekani died last year and was over 100-years-old, while my mother who was born in 1929 died in 2001. I did my primary education at Belgone Primary School and I wrote Grade Seven in 1970, but I couldn’t continue with school.

“At school, I used to play soccer and my coaches wanted me to play either number three or number 11.

“However, I could not pursue football because music was always my first love, but I was versatile as a young boy,” recalls Madzibaba.


Madzibaba says his father was also a fine guitarist even though he didn’t receive lessons from him.

“I used to watch my father playing the guitar and would pick one or two things, which made me pursue music.

“When I was in Grade Six, I was already playing home-made banjos around Belgone Farm where I also worked in the maize and tobacco fields for a couple of years.

“I was a farm labourer and a tailor, but I decided to leave the job around 1974-5 or so.

“In the year 1975, I assembled with other boys in Mazowe and formed a group that we called Green Mangoes.

“The group comprised Robson Kaitano, who played the lead guitar, Smart Chiko (bass guitar), Michael Gumo (drummer) and I played the rhythm guitar then,” he says.


Madzibaba, who was steadily weaving his way to the top in the mid 70s, says his dream was almost shattered around the same period when The Green Mangoes was deserted.

“At a time when we had become a force to reckon with, one of the key members, Robson Kaitano, left the group and went on to stay in Marondera.

“In Marondera, he formed a group called Hard Spirits, while Smart Chiko became a tailor with Michael Gumo becoming a bartender at Hambalala Beerhall in Mazowe since they had families to fend for.

“In my case, I also became a tailor for almost three or so years, but never stopped doing music since it was my first calling.

“I continued writing my songs hoping for a change of fortunes since most recording companies turned us away each time we wanted to record with them.

“This could be another reason why The Green Mangoes disbanded since our dreams were almost shattered,” he said.


Determined to fulfil his dream, Madzibaba’s dream came true when Zimbabwe attained independen­ce in 1980.

“It was after independen­ce when I saw a bright future ahead of me after moving to Dzivaresek­wa that we used to call Gillingham. It was in Dzivaresek­wa where I met the likes of Shepherd Chinyani and formed Vhuka Boys.

“At Vhuka Boys, Chinyani played the lead guitar, while Solo Makore played the rhythm.

“Around that time, I found myself playing the bass guitar, while Sam Chikudziro played the drums, which made the band complete.”

Madzibaba, who easily settled in Dzivaresek­wa, described Chinyani as a music great.

“I learnt quite a lot from him and vice-versa since we were all experience­d, but lacked exposure.

“As Vhuka Boys, we released such singles as Mai Majaira in 1982, which was followed by Shamwari Joe later that year.

“In 1983, we released another single called Monica before the band collapsed since we were not realising any money.

“Some of the band members went on to form their own bands, while others changed career paths.

“As the group disbanded, I’m grateful to Chinyani who welcomed us in Dzivaresek­wa and gave us shelter and food when it was really difficult to do so during that time,” he says.


When reality dawned to Madzibaba that Vhuka Boys had collapsed, he moved on.

“Around 1984, after the demise of Vhuka Boys, I realised that there was need for continuity and formed Khiama Boys.

“The founding members comprised myself, as a lead vocalist and guitarist, while my wife Margaret Gweshe came in as a backing vocalist and dancer.

“The late Tineyi Chikupo was also part of the founding members as a dancer and backing vocalist along with Lovemore Tom who played the bass guitar and drummer Sam Chikurudzo.

“Alick Macheso joined us around 1985 as a bass guitarist after hearing from his mother that he was looking for a job.

“His mother and mine come from the same area and we simply clicked with Macheso, whom I still regard as a younger brother.”


At a time when it was hard for females to venture into sungura, Gweshe defied odds and made an impact.

“During the early days of Khiama Boys, we released a number of singles namely Shebha and Mankwala Olemera, while my wife also wrote songs such as Chipo in 1987, Ndine Zvinondine­tsa and Mwana Uwe before she resigned.

“Working with my wife was also a good move that I took since it helped me to protect myself from temptation­s.

“It’s not an issue at all to work with your wife as long as you share the same vision. Bedroom politics should not be allowed to interfere with your work,” he says.


After assembling a star-studded band, Madzibaba said 1989 would remain a special year when their single Mabhawuwa shook the country.

“In the early 80s, Khiama Boys became a star-studded side with the likes of System Tazvida, who was a backing vocalist.

“Cephas Karushanga joined us as a lead guitarist, while Macheso had already establishe­d himself in the band together with Nevison Chakanyuka.

“During the same time, Tineyi Chikupo was also part of the band and it was indeed a great team of talented stars.

“Since the group had many members, we had an open-door policy for people to do their solo projects if they wished and Cephas Karushanga asked to be weaned off and formed Mabhawuwa Express. It was around 1989 that System Tazvida also left with Karushanga, but the group remained intact.”


After weaning off Cephas Karushanga and System Tazvida who wanted to pursue solo careers, it meant Madzibaba was supposed to bolster his outfit.

“Since Khiama had become an academy of some sort, I knew there were people who would leave when ripe and I was proud that my students were geniuses.

“Of course, there were laggards in the group, but I made them realise their potential and the need to work very hard.

“One person that I never doubted was determined to succeed was Alick because he was dedicated to his work.

“I didn’t have problems with him and I took him for my younger brother and we used to eat from the same plate,” says Madzibaba.


After the gelling of new recruits that comprised Gift Putazi and Silas Chakanyuka who came on board in 1990, Khiama Boys became a force to reckon with.

“While other members left, there were some who continued knocking on our doors for jobs and that gave our band members an urge to work hard.

“Each rehearsal was more than a show as band members wanted to outshine each other.

“We went on to record a number of successful album like Kubva Kure in 1990, Kutambura (1991), Chikumbiro (1993) and Mabvi Nemagokora around 1995/6 and those were days that we really made a killing in the music industry.

“It was during the same period that our sponsor Cephas Chimanga used to bail us a lot and we would cover a lot of costs owing to his interventi­on.” l KHIAMA HEARTBREAK The year 1997 was no doubt the “darkest” period for Khiama Boys fans after Madzibaba decided to hang the guitars and become a truck driver.

It’s news that disturbed many, but paved way for Macheso who went on to assemble Orchestra Mberikwazv­o.

However, Madzibaba cleared the air once again on what led to his decision to quit music.

“In 1997 we came to a point where I realised that there was need for me to beef up my kit since shows were no longer paying.

“I sat down with the boys and told them that I wanted to temporaril­y quit music to become a truck driver.

“The news was not received well by my fans, but it’s a decision I made to save my career and also help to usher my band members to be innovative.

“Alick Macheso emerged as a great artiste and no one doubts that while my younger brother Zachariah Zakaria is a farmer who also doubles as a guitarist,” he said.

Quizzed whether he left his band members stranded or not at a time he made a radical decision, Madzibaba cleared the air:

“I never abandoned them because I wanted to work and boost our coffers so that we could regroup when things were okay.

“I don’t care what people say about that decision, but I know that my conscience is clear.”


After working as a truck driver for a year, Madzibaba was back on stage with a new-look outfit.

“I realised that I could not continue as a truck driver as the stage was my office.

“In 1998, I recorded a comeback album titled Tinokundik­a with the help of new recruits that comprised Nasho Azatti, a direct replacemen­t of Alick Macheso, Godknows Lindirani, a new backing vocalist along with Gift Sixpence who played the rhythm and one Paul, a drummer who deserted Tongai Moyo in the United Kingdom.

“Of course, I had lost the core of the band, but I was happy with the new recruits.”


In his career spanning over four decades, Madzibaba is happy with his achievemen­ts.

“I’m a proud owner of three houses - one in Unit G, another in Unit A and another one in Norton.

“I have also amassed a number of awards, among the three, two being Zima gongs and a NAMA trophy for the living legends.

“There are several certificat­es that I won at Gramma Records and on radio stations.’”


Despite all that he has amassed, Madzibaba’s heart bleeds as he continues to bury some of his students.

“It’s really sad that I have seen artistes that I worked with or groomed dying.

“Tineyi Chikupo died in my hands and we were together until his death in 1992.

“System Tazvida, Amon Mvula, Aaron Chinamira are some of the artistes that I have helped at some point that have died.

“All my students we geniuses and I shed tears when I think of some of the heroes that I worked with. May their souls rest in peace.”


Madzibaba is married to Margaret Gweshe and the couple is blessed with four children; two boys and two girls.

As we celebrate Uhuru, Madzibaba Nicholas Zakaria is one such living legend who deserves space in the annals of Zimbabwean music industry.

Love or loathe Madzibaba, he remains one the country’s torch-bearers and a wellspring of knowledge to be cherished for years.

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