H Metro


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It’s sad that Manna Resort has been affected by this incident. What a loss and we are coming from the Covid19 era, which affected most companies and businesses. Hopefully, they will recover soon. - CITIZEN.

Thanks police for arresting the Tynwald High School bus disaster driver. We hope he explains what really transpired on the day in question. -


So sad that we have lost a teacher from Tynwald, who was part of the Nyanga bus disaster. May his soul rest in peace. We heard that he was recovering from his hospital bed. Go well cadre, when death visits, we cannot stop it. - READER.

Couple yekuMachek­e yekuraper vana vavo mashura chaiwo. Zvinenge zvambonyan­ya kuita sei chaizvo? Are we still humans or we have turned into animals, even animals know their children? Ko kana huku yodya mazai ayo zvinenge zvakufamba sei? Let’s be people and let’s not turn into animals. The societal values have gone to the dogs. -


Thank you Minister for issuing some warnings on the abuse of cannabis, let it be known that it should be for medicinal purposes only with registered companies, or individual­s, nekuti the abuse has reached another level. Vakomana vari kuputa mbanje zvekuti pfungwa dzavo dzinenge dzisisadho­nze mushe. Vamwe vacho ndivo vari kutibira nekuti vanenge vatova mhuka chaidzo. Please authoritie­s save us. -


Our children are also going astray, they are losing their ways due to too much exposure on things which are not of their level. There is barely no day which passes without seeing a teen in court. - LALA.

Love your neighbour. Kana mutemo gumi yaMwari inodaro. Mazuvano yangova peace order nemuvakidz­ani vako. Saka kana mabva kucourt mangwana munotarisa­na sei? Hapana mangwanani hapana masikati Nyamuzihwa kana Soko. Chenjerai kuisirana muchetura. -


H-Metro thank you for covering schools sport. We need that for our national teams have future players. - TAWANDA MHLANGA.

Mandebvu anenge aitwa revenge, hameno chete zvaakaita. Hama/ shamwari ye munhu wacho ndiye adzoka kuzouraya . . . Kuiswa mbumburu 4 or 6 mumusoro, that’s personal. - MAI SOROBHI.

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