H Metro



Farmers, avoid buying farming inputs on the black market. You get fake inputs that will affect your yield. Forewarned is forearmed. - BATINO JONES.

Nelson Chadya worked harder than others, he deserved to be the ‘Keeper of the Year, he is young and promising to be our next national team goalie, just maintain kuva humble kwako mufana wosiyana nemiyedzo yemuZimba mufana, you have a good future if you take good care of yourself. - SIBS SIBANDA, MASVINGO.

Tiratidzei­wo chiso chaMary Chiweshe, tinoda kunzwisisa kuti zvinogonek­a sei kudzungair­a zvako pamwechete nekugona kuwana mari yakaita seUS$98000. - WASHINGTON MURISA.

Malawyer acho atoda kudya mari, Gogo ava ngavataure zvese before vasungwa, plus vachirizer­a rokusungwa here? - PROSPER MANDONGWE.

Vaitoda kumuchinja kuita chikwambo chaicho ende zvitori obvious kuti zvese zvavaita vanga vakatomufu­ridzira. - PHILIMON NYAMAYARO.

Mbuya ava havana moyo sure kubata upenyu hwemwana wako kuita kuhusunga ngavaseder­o sure chibag chekumasow­e police ngaiite chekuzunza muchabuda shura chairo maybe nedza sekuru vekushaya dzirimo muchibag muya. - FELI CHIMWAYA CHIDHAKWA.

I’ve been following this case closely and after seeing videos of her neighbours, especially locksmith achitaura zvakaitika it seems as if we are being too harsh on Gogo. If vanga vakaenda kuchechi zvedi for one week, she must have an alibi. Mhosva yavo ndeye negligence yekusiya sekuru vakastroke­r mumba vari vega plus mwana anorwara njere ari ega. Nyaya iyi yaita kuti tione the harsh realities people who have mentally ill relatives face in our country. Sevanhu vatema it’s time we accept that chirwere chepfungwa chiriko and let’s stop going kumasowe hoping for miracles when our relatives can get on medication. Dai Grant akawana medication paakatanga kurwara nepfungwa surely angadai ari pari nani. Gogo was overwhelme­d nekuchenge­ta murwere aka stroker plus murwere we pfungwa without any support system. My only question is sei vakazomhan­ya kufonera Nyaradzo instead of police? Where is Grant’s ex-wife plus ma ex-girlfriend­s ake hapanawo here abudikira? Ari ku UK aimborwara here nepfungwa? Is that the reason why he came back to Africa? Ko vavainamat­a navo hapanawo vari kubudikira here vatiudzewo tsananguro dzavaigaro­udzwa kumasowe? Ko imwe imba yavo yeku Unit O inogara ani? Dzifambire­i nyaya dzacho pliz we have too many questions. -

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