H Metro

Plant-based diet good for the heart

- - BBC

LONDON. — Giving plants the starring role in your diet is good for heart health, a review of four decades of data shows.

Researcher­s in Denmark showed vegetarian and vegan diets cut levels of cholestero­l and fats in the blood that increase heart attacks.

The effect — equivalent to about a third that of taking daily drugs — was “really substantia­l”, they said. But experts said meat and dairy had their own health benefits — and not all meat-free diets were actually healthy.

The research pulled together the 30 trials since 1982 in which scientists gave volunteers a set diet and tracked its impact on heart health. In total, nearly 2,400 people from around the world were involved.

High levels of bad cholestero­l lead to fatty deposits building up in blood vessels, which can eventually cause heart attacks or strokes.

The results, published in the European Heart Journal, showed vegetarian and vegan diets:

· cut bad cholestero­l by 10%

· cut total cholestero­l by 7%

· cut apolipopro­tein B (the main protein in bad cholestero­l) by 14%

“That correspond­s to a third of the effect of a cholestero­l-lowering statin [pill] — so that’s really substantia­l,” Prof Ruth Frikke-Schmidt, who conducted the work, at Rigshospit­alet, in Denmark, told BBC News.

The studies would have needed to have controlled people’s diets for years or decades to see how that change in the blood played out.

But Prof Frikke-Schmidt used data from trials of statins to estimate maintainin­g such a diet for 15 years could cut the risk of cardiovasc­ular disease by 20%.

The World Health Organisati­on estimates cardiovasc­ular disease kills nearly 18 million people every year. Despite the health benefits of following a more plant-based diet, Prof Frikke-Schmidt warned that anyone following such a diet should not come off drugs they have been prescribed because they are at risk of heart disease.

She chooses to eat a mostly plant-based diet, with some chicken and white fish for “my health, the environmen­t and because I like it”.

Other diets that incorporat­e meat, such as the Mediterran­ean diet, have also been shown to be healthy. Prof Frikke-Schmidt said meat did not have to be excluded but “the important message is ‘plant-based’”, as this was good for both health and the environmen­t.

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