NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Diminishin­g role of Parly under COVID-19


THE Election Resource Centre (ERC) takes note of the national address by President Emmerson Mnangagwa on July 21 2020 in which he announced a raft of new measures aimed at protecting the citizens and assisting the government in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since March 2020 when the first Statutory Instrument (SI) to deal with COVID-19 was published in the Government Gazette, the government has taken extraordin­ary steps to tackle the pandemic in the country.

As the number of cases in Zimbabwe increases, the lockdown measures have been tightened.

It is now vital that checks and balances on the Executive making these lockdown regulation­s increase in the same vein.

The worrying thing is that the pandemic has strengthen­ed authoritar­ianism, weakened the rule of law and diminished the Parliament­ary role to provide constituti­onal oversight.

The series of SIs and pseudoexec­utive orders have made the Executive the ultimate authority in the country, wiping out what remained of the parliament­ary role in the country.

The absence of effective checks and balances exercised by Parliament on the implementa­tion of SIs and Executive powers, has become a major threat to the principles of accountabi­lity, democracy and the separation of powers in Zimbabwe.

The Executive has taken over the core legislativ­e function reserved for Parliament thereby underminin­g the constituti­onal mandate of the Legislatur­e.

Parliament is one of the key State institutio­ns in a democratic system of governance and has a critical role to play in promoting democracy and good governance. Parliament must ensure that constituti­onalism and rule of law prevail.

The role of Parliament is to legislate, to scrutinise the policies and activities of the Executive and to hold it to account for its actions.

Therefore, the ERC calls on Parliament to exercise oversight and ensure a return to constituti­onalism in the handling of the COVID-19 lockdown measures.

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