NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Montrose House: Moving forward


DESPITE the recent extension of lockdown and schools delaying to open, we are moving forward, forward moving.

Distance learning has helped us push second-term learning. Since the first term had closed abruptly come second term we had to allow parents and students to get settled and moving forward with the syllabus through distance learning.

We have pre-packaged weekly lessons that are simplified for parents to help from home.

These will be returned for marking every Monday, while delivering the coming week work.

Parents have welcomed this method, realising that they were not going to work, hence purchasing new gadgets for online learning was not possible.

This method of distance learning can help all parents and pupils who cannot afford online learning and its requiremen­ts.

We can deliver and collect work weekly for a small fee. Enrol your child for the third term, the fees are very affordable.

Online learning has brought joy to many parents as new COVID-19 cases continue to surge.

Children will enjoy daily and weekly class lessons in the comfort of their home.

All they need is a laptop, power and active Wi-Fi.

These are the major tools to see online learning through.

Moving forward with online learning is key in light of the pandemic, which has claimed many lives locally, regionally and internatio­nally.

Montrose is enrolling for both online and distance learning.

A parent can choose the ideal one for them to move forward. Nothing can stop us.

Montrose is currently enrolling for ECD A and B, infants Grade 1 and 2, junior school Grades 3 to 7 and high school Forms 1 to 4.

Our qualified and profession­al staff has helped us stand the test of time.

We have been in the industry for 19 years delivering quality and good pass rates.

We are in the game. Indeed, we are moving forward and forward moving with online.

Our registrar is waiting to enrol your child. Limited places. Montrose House moving forward, forward moving.

Contact us today for online and distance learning.

Email: info@montroseju­nior.

Website: www.momtroseju­nior.

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