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IN response to Foreign election observers not necessary: ED, COMRADE says: There we go now, we knew that since President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s humiliatin­g defeat at the hands of the MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa in July 2018, he would no longer allow foreign observers so that he can continue to rig the elections.

IN response to Temporary teachers take over exam classes, CHODA says: This new dispensati­on under President Emmerson Mnangagwa has just shown its true colours to the people and the world at large. In reality, it is a bunch of clueless and cruel capitalist­s bent on milking the people. Teachers are on strike because they are being paid slave salaries whereby a qualified teacher earns $4 000 (US$40), while a student teacher gets $150 (US$1). The late former President Robert Mugabe was cruel, but not to this extent of ill-treating teachers. Mnangagwa must remember that teachers are the torch bearers of education who went under a rigorous three-year training programme and, therefore, deserve better. We are now convinced that we made a big mistake by supporting the November 2017 coup. Let it be known that come 2023, Mnangagwa will be shown a red card by the people.

IN response to Army conscripts junior doctors, VHURIKEZHI says: What Vice-President Constantin­o Chiwenga is doing to the doctors is pure madness and it will not work. Chiwenga wants to militarise healthcare which will not work at all. He cannot solve problems in the health delivery system through a command and control mode and it doesn’t work. President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government must pay health workers well, give them what they are asking for, treat them as hu-mans and they will do their work as they have always done. The late former President Robert Mugabe knew what he was doing despite his advanced age. Now the clueless so-called new dispensati­on has stolen everything from the young generation in the health delivery system and they want these junior doctors to suffer.

MUSOMBODHI­YA says: Doesn’t the army train its own doctors? Nothing wrong if you willingly want to go for service in the army, but surely there should be people in the barracks already under training? Anyway, get your passports and visas guys.

MASONDLA says: We are slowly gravitatin­g into a full dictatorsh­ip. What happened in countries such as North Korea is coming here. At least the crocodile is slowly coming to the surface.

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