NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Is the State on a warpath with citizens?


IT has been weeks since the Health minister and Vice-President Constantin­o Chiwenga imposed the Statutory Instrument (SI) 225A of 2020 indefinite­ly suspending by-elections in Zimbabwe. Following the gazetting of the SI, Justice minister Ziyambi Ziyambi went on to say that Zimbabwe was still under COVID-19 restrictio­ns and as such, the government had judiciousl­y taken note that by-elections would endanger the lives of people given the prevailing environmen­t.

Additional­ly, Informatio­n minister Monica Mutsvangwa, told the media on October 26 2020 that Cabinet had approved an amendment that criminalis­e the unauthoris­ed citizen or group communicat­ion or negotiatio­n with foreign government­s.

This came at a time as political leaders, journalist­s and student body leadership have been subjected to arrests, torture and the closing of civic space.

Electoral reforms have been sidelined, while the Executive focused on anti-sanctions, among other challenges. Democracy has been quarantine­d. That has become the order of the day in Zimbabwe. Government is on a warpath with its citizens, persecutin­g anyone deemed a threat to the “new dispensati­on” mantra. The COVID-19 global pandemic has been used to criminalis­e “guaranteed” human rights such as calling for transparen­cy and accountabi­lity from the government and those in authority. Mutsvangwa has made it known that Cabinet had approved the amendment to Criminal Law (Codificati­on and reform) Act criminalis­ing the unauthoris­ed communicat­ion or negotiatio­n by private citizens with foreign government­s. She stated that Cabinet felt that such communicat­ion or negotiatio­n has a direct or indirect implicatio­n on the country's foreign relations and policy.

It is the Election Resource Centre's position that the amendment is in bad taste as the government must comply with section 58, 59, 61 and 62 of the Constituti­on that outlines rights guaranteed in Zimbabwe such as the freedom of assembly and associatio­n, freedom to demonstrat­e and petition, the freedom of expression and the freedom to informatio­n.

Internatio­nal relations must not impinge on citizens rights. It is clear the State is on a warpath with citizens, as the amendments outlined just show how far the new dispensati­on can reach in silencing its citizens and closing up civic spaces.

What is currently happening in Zimbabwe is the opposite of the aspiration­s as espoused in the our Constituti­on.

Election Resource Centre

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