NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Govt should adhere to rule of law in demolition­s


THE Combined Harare Residents Associatio­n (CHRA) calls upon the government and local authoritie­s to follow the law and desist from acting as both referee and player when effecting demolition­s as this fuels corruption, maladminis­tration and weakens accountabi­lity.

The demolition­s that were carried out in Mbare last weekend clearly show that there is no will to follow the law and the Constituti­on by both central government and the City of Harare. Despite the standing court order obtained by Chitrest on behalf of Chitungwiz­a and Harare residents, government and Harare City Council went on to demolish informal sector structures in Mbare.

We assert that any demolition that has the potential to violate human rights should be accompanie­d by a court order as provided for in the Constituti­on.

The current mess affecting the planning of the city, which has seen sprouting of “illegal” car sales, tuckshops, houses on wetlands was caused by corrupt elements in government, local authoritie­s and political parties hence demolishin­g these structures without court orders will protect and benefit these elements while impoverish­ing the victims.

Section 162 of the Constituti­on vests judicial authority in the courts and the role of the courts is paramount in safeguardi­ng human rights and freedoms and the rule of law.

The doctrine of separation of powers is very clear that the courts interpret the law and determine what the law is and we do not expect central government and its lower tiers to usurp the mandate of the courts.

Experience­s from the past have shown that demolition­s without court orders cover tracks of abuse of power, corruption and maladminis­tration that have been contributi­ng to the sprouting of “illegal” structures.

We further amplify the words of Justice Chinembiri Bhunu that “those in the corridors of power must not abuse their authority by usurping the functions of the courts to the detriment of innocent members of society.”

Constituti­onal adherence and compliance is fundamenta­l for our local government system to promote local economic developmen­t.

We call upon the depolitici­sation of the informal and housing sectors as this has created a high level of lawlessnes­s and corruption in these key sectors.


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