NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Powerful by Faith! Witnesses convention­s begin

- BY STAFF REPORTER Follow us on Twitter @NewsDayZim­babwe

JEHOVAH’S Witnesses will, for the second year running, hold their annual convention virtually, breaking a century-old tradition in the name of health and safety as the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the organisati­on to cancel nearly 6 000 convention­s in 240 lands.

The Witnesses normally use their assembly halls, public schools and other rented venues around the country such as the Zimbabwe Internatio­nal Trade Fair for their annual three-day convention. The outbreak of COVID-19 forced the cancellati­on of in-person convention­s throughout the world and the launching of a global virtual event.

“This was a first for Jehovah’s Witnesses, who have held public convention­s in stadiums, arenas, convention centres, and theatres around the world since 1897,” John Hunguka, the spokespers­on for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Zimbabwe said.

This year’s convention is themed Powerful by Faith! and will be delivered in more than 500 languages to households throughout the six weekends during July and August 2021, bringing together some nearly 20 million people in 240 countries.

Hunguka said since the convention was typically held from Friday through Sunday, the programme would be available in six instalment­s correspond­ing to morning and afternoon sessions.

The continued risk of bringing thousands of people together in cities around the world prompted the organisati­on to opt for a virtual platform for the second consecutiv­e year.

However, Hunguka said the move has not curbed the enthusiasm for the annual event. Congregati­ons around the world are inviting the public to join them in this historic occasion.

“Faith has helped our global brotherhoo­d to continue to thrive even during a pandemic. Our faith will continue to unite us in worship — even virtually — as millions gather in private homes around the world to enjoy a powerful and inspiring spiritual programme,” Hunguka said.

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