NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Zupco disregard of COVID-19 protocols worrisome: PAZ

- BY LORRAINE MUROMO Follow Lorraine on Twitter@RMuromo

THE Passengers Associatio­n of Zimbabwe (PAZ) has raised concern over the flouting of COVID-19 guidelines on Zupco buses where overloadin­g due to transport problems has made it difficult for passengers to observe social distancing.

Government has banned private kombis not registered under the Zupco franchise from operating.

In a statement yesterday, PAZ president Tafadzwa Goliath said the associatio­n had noted with concern the open disregard for both World Health Organisati­on and national COVID-19 prevention protocols by the public transporte­r.

“While government efforts to resuscitat­e and reinstate Zupco as the backbone of the country’s mass public transport system are commendabl­e, we feel the initiative is defeated by some of the infraction­s committed in broad daylight by the transporte­r,” Goliati said.

“These include but are not limited to loading of passengers far beyond the numbers stipulated by government, inconsiste­nt sanitising of passengers upon boarding as well as failure to wear face masks at all times by some defiant bus crews.”

He also expressed concern over failure by some Zupco buses to display registrati­on plates, making it difficult to trace them in the event of an accident.

“They are only displaying fleet numbers and chassis numbers, which makes it difficult for one to trace them when road traffic accidents result in death or injury on victims who would want to institute formalitie­s to claim some compensati­on.

“Through this brazen flouting of regulation­s, it is apparent that Zupco bus operators have done nothing to show they are any different from pirate taxi transporte­rs known for practising the rules of the jungle.”

He added: “As a passengers, we also wish to register our concerns that the national fleet remains inadequate and hardly able to meet the ever-present high demand for public transport throughout the country.

Contacted for comment, Zupco chief executive Evaristo Mudangwa said: “I haven’t seen the statement, but I don’t agree with what has been said by PAZ. We don’t overload our buses, people will be wearing their masks when they board and we sanitise.”

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