NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

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IN response to Zimra seizes ‘army chiefs’ drugs haul, MAZVANYA says: We have always said it, that it’s the bosses that are milking this country dry. They are abusing power and systems for their personal gain. The unfortunat­e thing is that nothing will happen to them. They have always smuggled contraband into Zimbabwe and they will always do it. There is one powerful Zanu PF chef and top government official who has been linked to cigarettes smuggling over the years.

IN response to War vets denounce ED, MWANAWEVHU says: President Emmerson Mnangagwa must be wary when the war veterans start denouncing Zanu PF and government leadership. The ex-combatants have always been Zanu PF’s storm troopers, and with the 2023 election fast approachin­g, I doubt they will campaign for the party.

IN response to Chaos as schools reopen, MBUDZANA says: The reopening of schools has always been characteri­sed by chaos. I doubt this will ever change as long we have Zanu PF in power. The education sector is now in comatose. The educators are incapacita­ted, the pupils are not supported by government. Nothing is moving with regards the education of our children.

IN response to RBZ vows to clear US$175m allotment backlog by month-end, MWANANGUND­U says: I hope Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe governor John Mangudya will not feast on the funds from the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund special drawing rights so as to clear the allotment backlog. The backlog should be cleared by what the central bank already has.

IN response to Mash East women’s league endorses ED candidatur­e, NDABANENGI says: When such things start happening, it shows that those close to the person in power are busy lining their pockets. What the Zanu PF party is doing with President Emmerson Mnangagwa shows us that the party chefs are not yet done with looting the resources that are at their disposal. They would want another bite of the cherry come 2023. Anyway, I have one message to them: No one will be able to stop the winds of change when they start blowing. It might be MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa being voted, or someone else rising from the dust and becoming President. But Zimbabwe needs total change of leadership if we are to record any progress.

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