NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Agroecolog­y: The smart way of combating climate change


CYCLONE Idai struck Zimbabwe in March 2019, affecting 270 000 people with Chipinge and Chimaniman­i districts being the hardest hit according to a humanitari­an website, reliefweb. It was tragic, with the loss of lives (human and livestock), vast estates and homesteads, schools, infrastruc­ture, etc. Nothing was spared, it was catastroph­ic. A climatic disaster of that magnitude had never been felt in the country. The disaster preparedne­ss was found wanting. It was a learning curve, and sad as it was, climate change became a reality.

Climate change is a major challenge in Zimbabwe and the world at large. The negative effects, mainly in agricultur­al production, have a ripple effect on all the economic facets. Temperatur­e and water availabili­ty are key factors in determinin­g crop growth and productivi­ty. Negative changes in these factors lead to reduced crop yields.

Zimbabwe’s five main agro-ecological zones have shifted because of changes in climate, resulting in more arid environmen­ts for agricultur­al production. Rainfall patterns and crop production progressiv­ely deteriorat­e from region one to five. Climate and weather-induced instabilit­y affect levels of and access to the food supply, altering social and economic stability.

Faced with these challenges, peasant women and smallholde­r farmers have embraced agroecolog­ical practices as a way of combating climate change and maintainin­g healthy food systems. Hence, the storytelli­ng project of the African Women’s Collaborat­ive for Healthy Food Systems seeks to raise awareness of the contributi­on and achievemen­ts of African peasant and pastoralis­t women in maintainin­g local, agro-ecological, and equitable food systems.

A Smallholde­r farmers organisati­on, Chikukwa Ecological Land Use Community Trust (Celuct) in Chimaniman­i is adapting to climate change through land conservati­on, making use of agro-ecology and sustainabl­e agricultur­e.

Situated in Chief Chikukwa village in Chimaniman­i, Celuct was hard hit by the 2019 cyclone that claimed 17 hectares of wetland in their village, destroying unique crops and seeds, mainly bananas.

Agro-ecology farming has long been associated with conserving the land and environmen­t. It strengthen­s the resilience of farmers and rural communitie­s through diversific­ation of agroe-cosystems; agro-forestry systems and croplivest­ock mixed systems accompanie­d by organic soil management, water conservati­on and harvesting, and general enhancemen­t of agro-biodiversi­ty. Traditiona­l farming systems are repositori­es of a wealth of principles and measures that can help modern agricultur­al systems become more resilient to climatic extremes.

The National co-ordinator of Zimbabwe Smallholde­rs Organic Farmers Forum (ZIMSOFF), Nelson Mudzingwa explained this concept and how it leads to adaptation of the environmen­t to climate change on a special visit by the writers to Mudzingwa’s household.

The household had an array of impressive sustainabl­e projects, from fish ponds, fruit trees, and indigenous trees, to cattle, goats, chickens, and crop fields. This is one of the centres of excellence that ZIMSOFF has in several households in Shashe and Mashava, Masvingo Province.

Mudzingwa stated he practices agro-ecology that conserves the land and the environmen­t.

“We use traditiona­l farming systems passed from many generation­s that are rich in ways and measures that can strengthen agricultur­al systems to become more resilient to climate extremes. We urge our members to practice agroecolog­y that reduces vulnerabil­ities to climate change,” said Mudzingwa.

Over the years, peasant women in rural Zimbabwe have practised agro-ecological farming strategies that are passed from one generation to another. These agro-ecology methods that mitigate climate change include crop diversific­ation, maintainin­g local genetic diversity, soil organic management, water conservati­on and harvesting.

The peasant women plant seeds that include small grains such as rapoko, finger millet, groundnuts and round nuts, and other seed varieties that are not hybrids. These plants are more adaptable to the environmen­t, making it in high temperatur­es that are more common in the current climate change environmen­t.

Explaining the linkages between the land, water and seed, Mudzingwa outlined the need for the conservati­on of the three through proper farming methods, stating agro-ecology as the best farming method that can lead to adaptation to climate change.

Visits to Gutu, Mutoko, Shashe, Chiredzi and Bubi showed how peasant women are combating climate change through their knowledge of agro-ecology.

Barbra Risinahama (40), married with one child aged 22, said agro-ecology has taught her a revolution­ary form of farming. “I was born and raised in Zvimba before I came here to get married. My grandmothe­r taught me how to farm what is known as women’s seeds. She taught me that I do not have to struggle with buying farming implements, but I have to use things that were available in my environmen­t. This would result in good yields and can also deter climate change.”

Elizabeth Simbanegav­i (65) of Ward 22, who became an elected councillor in 2013, had a story to inspire farmers. “The country is faced with a challenge of climate change that needs to be addressed. However, women in my area are empowered. They produce enough food for themselves with a surplus to sell. They use women’s seeds such as small grain foods that do not need pest control. We share and exchange our seeds. A community using healthy seeds is a great community.

“Cross-pollinatio­n of weak seeds reduces yields. We avoid that by sharing good seeds, seeds that are resistant to early decay, seeds that are drought resistant. Our area receives less rainfall, so we adapt our seeds to suit our rainfall patterns. Agro-ecology helps in the adaptation to climate change,” said Simbanegav­i, an expert in her own right.

Gogo Mumvuri (65) from Shashe, Mashava in Masvingo province practices diversifie­d farming and organic methods of pest and disease control to lessen environmen­tal impact. She acknowledg­es that the use of harmful chemicals for pest control could further damage their lands.

“When we plant different crops on the same piece of land at the same time, it reduces pests. There are also indigenous trees like mutsviri and mutovhoti whose barks we burn and sprinkle the ashes on our crops,” she said.

Nyengetera­i Munyani, a vibrant farmer in her 1970s from Zvishavane, also shared similar beliefs. She has seven hectares of land dominated by small grain crops; millets, macia, rapoko, sorghum and peas.

“I use leaves from the pawpaw trees, which I then crush while they are fresh and mix with water. I spray my crops with this solution and that deals with the pests and diseases,” she said.

It is a matter of time before more farmers learn to adapt and enjoy better yields from agro-ecology. With the current global challenge of food insecurity, agro-ecology is crucial to strengthen­ing food systems while managing climate change. Hence, the African Women’s Collaborat­ive for Healthy Food Systems affirms that the political and economic empowermen­t of African peasant and pastoralis­t women is vital to ensuring sustainabl­e food systems.

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