NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

ED enjoys homecoming rally . . . as supporters are promised freebies

- BY BLESSED MHLANGA ● Follow Blessed on Twitter @bbmhlanga

PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa enjoyed his home-coming rally in Kwekwe on Saturday, given the massive crowd in attendance at Mbizo Stadium.

Most of the crowd, however, had to be bussed in from across the Midlands province despite the promise of freebies and free music shows by dancehall artists.

Mbizo Stadium, a sporting facility that is nearly derelict, was almost filled to capacity.

ChillSpot artistes led by DJ Fantan and DJ Levels were the flavour of the day while Prophet Passion Java and his team were paraded as Zanu PF goes for the youth vote.

This was followed by the introducti­on of former MDC-T secretary for local government Blessing Chebundo, who recently defected to Zanu PF. In the past, Chebundo beat Mnangagwa in elections for parliament­ary seats in Kwekwe constituen­cy when he was an MDC candidate.

He played to the gallery, denouncing the Nelson Chamisa-led Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party.

“How does one person wake up to say they lead a party without an ideology, without structures and without leadership? You can't trust that person with power because they have the ability to become the worst dictator ever seen,” Chebundo said to the applause of Zanu PF members.

Chebundo promised the Zanu PF leadership that he will ensure 200 people from the Midlands province that are affiliated to the opposition defect to Zanu PF weekly.

The rally exposed abuse of State resources by the ruling party with a number of Zimbabwe United Passenger Company buses carrying passengers that were crammed despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

There were a lot of expensive cars with some members flaunting designer clothes, while the famous Mnangagwa scarf was worn by high profile supporters at the event.

Mnangagwa begged the people of Kwekwe to vote for the ruling party.

“You are the bosses and we are your servants. If you decide not to vote for us we will leave this place, so you are our bosses,” Mnangagwa, who arrived in a helicopter, said.

Businesses made donations, including bread which was dished out to people. There was a stampede for the free bread.

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