NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Namibia to develop new conservati­on agricultur­e framework


NAMIBIA is set to develop a new conservati­on agricultur­e strategic framework to inspire local farmers to adopt sustainabl­e agricultur­e practices that ensure resilience, food security and nutrition as well as environmen­tal protection, an official said Monday.

Speaking at a workshop to develop the comprehens­ive conservati­on agricultur­e programme, United Nations Food and Agricultur­e Organisati­on assistant representa­tive Ferdinard Mwapopi said the framework is to help farmers increase production and productivi­ty, thus reducing risks and building resilience to climate change.

“Despite agricultur­al productivi­ty increasing in some countries in the Sadc (Southern African Developmen­t Community) region, others like Namibia remain net importers of food items and are thus highly exposed to environmen­tal and economic factors prevailing in food exporting countries, making them vulnerable to shocks,” he said, adding that the situation is further exacerbate­d by poor farming methods, high levels of soil degradatio­n and desertific­ation resulting in low agricultur­al productivi­ty.

Droughts and prolonged dry spells also worsen the situation as they result in severe crop damage or complete crop failures placing many people at risk of hunger, he noted.

Conservati­on agricultur­e principles, which include minimal soil disturbanc­e, permanent soil cover, and crop rotation, are universall­y applicable in all agricultur­al landscapes and cropping systems, Mwapopi said.

He said that this interventi­on is especially important for smallholde­r farmers who despite managing over 80% of the world's estimated 500 million small farms and providing over 80 percent of the food consumed in a large part of the developing world, are still largely overlooked and left to face challenges such as access to production inputs associated with high prices and lack of access to credits.

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