NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Govt up to its usual shenanigan­s

- Kumbirai Thierry Nhamo

IN a recent move that has left many scratching their heads and wondering about the state of affairs in the country, the government of Zimbabwe published General Notice 635 of 2023 in the Government Gazette directing that all Health ministry procuremen­ts be exempt from adhering to procuremen­t processes.

This may seem like a perfectly reasonable move to some. After all, there are plenty of healthcare goods that can be considered of national interest. But this move was not only questionab­le, but downright ridiculous.

After a public outcry, the general notice was reversed with government claiming that it was published without authorisat­ion. Now, let’s pause for a moment.

How is it that the Government Gazette, an official publicatio­n of the State, published an article without authorisat­ion?

It makes one wonder if the right hand knows what the left hand is doing.

But let us not jump into making a conclusion. Perhaps it was an honest mistake? Maybe the government was trying to keep things under wraps, and someone went rogue and published the article without authorisat­ion? That seems like a plausible explanatio­n, right?

There is a high likelihood that the notice was authorised, and the government is just playing games.

Let us take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Zimbabwe is a country which has had its fair share of troubles over the years. Corruption, political unrest and economic instabilit­y are just a few of the challenges which the country has faced. So, when the government suddenly decides to classify all Health ministry procuremen­ts as matters of national interest, it is natural for people to be suspicious.

And when the Government Gazette publishes a notice to that effect, it is natural for people to assume that it was authorised by the government.

So, the question is, why would the government want to classify all Health ministry procuremen­ts as matters of national interest? Is there something going on behind the scenes that the government doesn’t want the public to know?

One possibilit­y is that the government is trying to conceal corruption in the health sector. Zimbabwe has a history of corruption in government and the healthcare system is no exception. A good recent example is the US$60 million COVID-19 PPE procuremen­t scandal involving then minister Obadiah Moyo and Drax — where at the end, no one was ever held accountabl­e. By classifyin­g all healthcare procuremen­ts, the government can keep the public in the dark about any shady deals that may be taking place.

Another possibilit­y is that the government is trying to prevent the public from scrutinisi­ng the healthcare system. Zimbabwe’s healthcare system is in shambles, characteri­sed by shortages of drugs, medical equipment and personnel.

By classifyin­g all healthcare procuremen­ts, the government can prevent the public from questionin­g why the system is failing so miserably.

Whatever the reason, it remains quite clear that the government is playing games with its citizens. By publishing a general notice in the Government Gazette and then claiming that it was unauthoris­ed, the government is either admitting its incompeten­ce or attempting to deceive the public. None of these options inspires confidence in the leadership’s ability to govern effectivel­y.

What baffles the mind is that government spokespers­on Ndavaningi Mangwana, tweeted in support of the general notice only to issue a contrary statement barely two hours later.

Talk about authority.

The government’s recent antics with the healthcare procuremen­t system highlights the inherent flaws in the country’s governance system.

Whether this is corruption, incompeten­ce or something else, the fact that the government is playing games is alarming. It is time for the government to start taking its responsibi­lities seriously and acting in the best interests of its citizens. ● Kumbirai Thierry Nhamo is a writer, blogger, social commentato­r, social justice advocate, poet, researcher and freedom of speech and journalism activist. He can be contacted on +263 78 002 2343/+263 71 698 4317; or email: kumbiraith­ He writes here in his personal capacity.

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