NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Independen­ce is meaningles­s if people are oppressed


He felt that the woman somehow owed him for his “heroic acts” and, therefore, he was entitled to do whatever he desired with her.

The guy became super insecure whenever the former husband communicat­ed with the lady since they had children together — because he believed the ex wanted her back.

This sense of insecurity worsened as the new man realised how the woman was now thoroughly fed up with him — always blaming her for being influenced by her former husband and friends.

She was now perpetuall­y indebted and enslaved to him!

This is exactly what we witness in Zimbabwe.

Yes, no one denies that Zanu PF — a combinatio­n of the two liberation movements, Zanu and Zapu, after the 1987 Unity Accord — fought for Zimbabwe’s independen­ce.

At this juncture, let me also add that a vast majority of those who bore the brunt of the war were rural folk who were not even aligned to any of these political parties.

They were simply innocent people caught in the middle of a raging bloody war.

Anyway, whatever the role played by Zanu PF in liberating the country, there can never be justificat­ion for the ruthless, vicious, vindictive monsters it has become. We are not indebted to Zanu PF. In fact, Mnangagwa and his people are not entitled to anything in Zimbabwe.

What they did was supposed to be a sacrifice.

One does not sacrifice today while expecting a reward tomorrow. That will not be sacrificin­g at all, but simply manoeuvrin­g for power.

The Zanu PF ruling elite needs to be reminded that it does not own us or Zimbabwe.

The democracy they supposedly “fought for” is our unalienabl­e right.

It was not a favour.

Besides, whatever they did for us has since been overshadow­ed by their cruelty and savage oppression of the very same people they claim to have “liberated”.

Surely, what liberation is there when the “liberators” massacre over 20 000 innocent unarmed civilians in cold blood, as was witnessed in the Midlands and Matabelela­nd provinces?

Was it all part of “liberating” Zimbabwean­s when the Mnangagwa regime shot dead scores of unarmed protesters on the streets of Harare in 2018 and 2019?

Where is the “liberation” when those in power freely loot our national resources for their own enrichment — while 49% of the population lives in extreme poverty?

Where is the regime getting US$60 000 for each Member of Parliament to procure a luxury vehicle when over six million Zimbabwean­s are facing hunger?

Right now, our public hospitals and schools are worse off than they were during the colonial era — lacking the most basic essentials.

What “independen­ce” is there when our schools lack simple things like books and our hospitals do not have paracetamo­l or cancer machines?

Urban areas have been turned into glorified rural areas, where it has become normal for residents to go for years without potable water and have to rely on communal boreholes.

The country is going without electricit­y for hours each day on account of expecting generation equipment from the 1950s to power our economy.

Is that Mnangagwa and his party’s understand­ing of “freedom and independen­ce”?

And, when we complain and stand up to this oppression, the Zimbabwean regime — just like the man in my earlier example — accuses us of being influenced by our former colonisers.

As much as no foreign power has the right to lecture Zimbabwean­s on democracy, we, the citizens, have every right to demand justice. This is non-negotiable!

There is no independen­ce and liberation to talk about as long as we are still oppressed — more so by our former liberators.

Tendai Ruben Mbofana is a social justice advocate and writer. Please feel free to WhatsApp or Call: +2637156677­00 | +2637822839­75, or email: mbofana.tendairube­, or visit website: https://mbofanaten­

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