NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

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IN response to Zanu PF deploys FAZ for by-elections, TIMOTHY MUCHICHWA says: Without electoral reforms the country will remain stagnant in terms of developmen­t.

GEORGE CHIPARA says: It means that Zanu PF will never change to a democratic party. They are selfish and have their own interest at heart, the people are at the bottom of their priority.

NOAH MUNYAMANA says: Disputed elections not resolved, now other elections, it seems like they are enjoying this election thing.

TINEYI CHIWODZA says: Who are they competing with anyway? People are no longer interested in elections.

IN response to Another PSL match abandoned, DAVID BAUER SIBANDA says: Football is a hobby in Zimbabwe, poor grounds, corrupt officials, poor everything!

IN response to Our roads a nightmare, NOEL MOYO says: Tenders are given to their people, the bigwigs own or have a share on those companies fixing the roads. During the rain season the poor tar is washed away and ordinary citizens struggle with potholes.

VUSA NGWENYA says: Let us learn from our neighbouri­ng South Africa, their roads are wide and perfect. You rarely come across potholes, especially in highways because those who are in charge of roads are not corrupt and have the people at heart.

MUNYARADZI MANGWIRO says: I am glad that you notice, but you do nothing about it. Look at Harare, the drainage system is dead, but you make efforts in spending resources redoing Julius Nyerere Avenue which was not bad, yet we have bad roads outside of the central business district which need attention.

JUNIOR FRESCO JAYTEE says: Our roads are a nightmare because of the continuous looting of resources, if tax payers money was channelled to the right cause, fixing of roads nationwide could be easy. Imagine Zimbabwe has an estimated road network of 84 000km, out of which 93% is in fair or poor condition and in need of rehabilita­tion or periodic maintenanc­e..

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