NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Body image and self-esteem

- — Teens Health

DO you ever wish you could change something about your body? If so, you are not alone. Lots of people feel unhappy with some part of their looks. But when you get stuck on what you don't like, it can really bring down your self-esteem.

You don't need a perfect body to have a good body image. When you like your body as it is, right now, you boost your body image. And your self-esteem too.

What does body image mean?

Your body image is the way you think about your body. This includes your thoughts and feelings about it. These can be good or bad and can change from time to time.

How can i accept the way i look?

Some people think they need to get in better shape to have a good body image. They think: “When I get in better shape, I’ll like my body.” But it’s best to start the other way around. Accept yourself first. Here are ways to do that:

● Realise that nobody is perfect. Everyone has "flaws," even people with seemingly ideal figures. So see your body the way it is rather than the way you want it to be.

● Don’t body-shame yourself. When you make harsh comments about your own body, it harms your self-esteem. That is true whether you say something out loud or think it to yourself. It can hurt as much as if someone else said it. So be kind and respectful to yourself. Ask: “Would I talk this way to my best friend?” Treat yourself like a good friend would.

● Don’t compare yourself with other people. The saying goes “comparison is the thief of joy”. Find things to like about your own body and be thankful for all the great things it can do.

● Accept compliment­s. When someone gives you a compliment, say “thank you” instead of not believing what is being said.

How can i like my body?

When you accept your body, it is possible to learn to love (or at least like) what you have. Here is how:

● Find things to like about your looks. Every time you look in the mirror, find at least two things you like about yourself. Maybe your hair, face, or hands. What about your shape, shoulders or legs?

Your eyes or smile? Make a habit of telling yourself what you like and why. If you get stuck, ask someone who cares about you, like a good friend or trusted adult. Know that there’s lots to like about you. Let yourself feel good.

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