Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

What time is it Africa?


I AM one who believes in the brightest future for my motherland Africa. I am among those who have hope and faith in Africa. It does not matter what others outside this continent think but it matters most what the people of Africa think of themselves and their future.

Not all of us in Africa think positively about this continent and its future but if only we could have a few of us believing, then Africa shall be saved. The God of Heaven does not necessaril­y use crowds to manifest His rule. He uses a man who is after God’s own heart. I know of many great men and women who pursue God’s agenda for this continent. If only those can step out like Isaiah in the Bible and say “I am here, I will go.” I believe we are in a dispensati­on in Africa where all normal people are fed up with our current status. I believe we are at a time where God is about to do great things in Africa never thought of before. I believe we are at a time where we are seeing an arising of the Daniels, Nehemiahs, Esthers, Davids and Pauls of this generation in Africa.

Something in the spiritual womb of this continent has shaken and birthed. It shall not delay and it has come. The atmosphere of Africa in the spirit world has been fixed and washed and is manifestin­g in the physical. You might not believe me for now but I believe I am hearing something and sensing the wind of the Spirit of God and His agenda for this continent blowing over us. It is God’s time now for this great people who have been persecuted for centuries now. My prayer is that Africa would understand times. My prayer is that Africa would understand her role in the end time schedule of God. I said it last time that the sons of God are about to manifest and its time.

All I want to say today to my motherland is that this is not the time to be doing what we are doing now. This is not the time for all this hatred and confusion we are seeing in our economic systems and politics. This is not the time for such kind of kindergart­en games in the family, church, politics, business, etc. If we really seriously understand the times, we should be sobering up and seeking God for us and our future. Africa you cannot sink beyond this. There is nowhere else to sink too. This is your time to rise and shine, for your light has come.

It was not a coincidenc­e that Africa carried the cross of Jesus Christ up the mountain of Golgotha. At that point it could have been seen as ridicule or racism. It could have been viewed as mockery to Simon of Cyrene and the colour of his skin but in the plan of God it was prophetic of these end times. Africa will carry the cross. Africa will carry the message of the cross to the whole world in these end times and now is the time. Everyone else has run and run with their message. Some ran with the right message while many ran with nothing. They ran but could not deliver. They ran and delivered an anti-Christ message. But Africa, you are running and going to run with the message of the cross that has been rubbished in the whole world. You are running with the end time message of deliveranc­e.

How I groan in my spirit for Africa to bow down to the King of Kings and carry her assignment now to the end. It shall not be all of us but those hearing the voice are getting ready for the race and the flow. Africa, I wish you could hear me today. All other things cannot give you the freedom, progress and peace you groan for but the Cross of Calvary. In the times past your forefather­s rose with guns and all other instrument­s to fight for peace and independen­ce but all this still eludes you to this day. Now is time for a new and better war. In the place of a gun you shall carry the Bible. In the place of slogans you shall sing praises unto the Lord of Hosts. Your hope and future is in Christ, the King of Kings. Your turn-around and transforma­tion is not going to be by human effort and intelligen­ce and heroism but by the Spirit of the Lord. “It is not by might nor by power but by my Spirit,” says the Lord of Hosts.

If we knew and understood the times we would be found mostly as believers in the right place, the place of prayer. There we would arrest the demons of conflict in Africa that have displaced over 13 million people. There we would combat and confront the principali­ties of sexual immorality and powers of darkness that rule our politics and economic systems. There we would pull down imaginatio­ns that hinder our knowledge of God. There we would uproot spiritual plantation­s that oppress our people and feed on the blood of our children. In that place we would command and proclaim the manifestat­ion of the kingdom of our God. We may be ignorant of other things but may we never be ignorant of the times of our God and His plans for Africa.

Africa, you are neither poor nor stupid in the eyes and plan of God. You are chosen for greater things than these. If only you can believe. Your current enemies will feed from your hands. Your current oppressors will till your land. Your current manipulato­rs will build your homes. You will rule and have dominion. You will not end in this misery. You will not finish weak. You will finish stronger than you think because you would have stepped in the agenda of God for these end times.

I speak to you my motherland as a son pregnant with the future and as one ready for the will of God for you. I am clear in my spirit, there is a shifting and there is a manifestat­ion. Arise therefore. Gird your loins Africa. Turn your shame into courage. Turn your pain into a sword. Turn your anger into prayer and see the deliveranc­e of our God.

It is time Africa. It is time for rising up and putting on the full armor of God and engage the spirit of God. The future has never been so clear. Africa shall be saved. Africa, the end time army of the Almighty God. Arise!

Kilton Moyo is the author of The Church at War and founder of Citizen Africa Foundation and can be contacted on +2637753372­07 or + 263384841 or on email; citizenafr­icafoundat­

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