Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

ADHD (Attention Deficit H disorder)


IS your child described as: Naughty Does not listen Cannot sit still Cannot follow instructio­ns Always busy

ADHD is a disorder where the child has difficulty to pay attention. There are 3 types: Type 1: Child does not pay attention, does not listen well to instructio­ns, lose their things like school books, bags and are forgetful.

Child is hyperactiv­e, cannot sit still, are always running around, interrupts people when they are talking.

Cannot pay attention and is hyperactiv­e. Attention deficit hyperactiv­ity disorder is the most commonly dignosed disorder in children and teens.

ADHD also affects approximat­ely 4 percent of adults, according to the WHO.

For both kids and adults, these symptoms create problems at school, work and in relationsh­ips. What are the Risk Factors and Causes for ADHD? Genetics — Studies show that ADHD runs in families and that about 80 percent of cases may be caused by genes inherited from parents.

The maternal (mother) environmen­t might increase the risk for ADHD, including smoking during pregnancy, low birth weight and mum’s mental health. ADHD seems to be associated with traumatic events, such as emotional or physical abuse.

A recent study found that drinking cold drink and food with additive (unhealthy components in food) increases hyperactiv­ity in children without ADHD eg fizzy cold drinks, too much sugar and preservati­ves.

Head trauma can cause ADHD like symptoms, though only a small percentage of these causes have been identified.

Symptoms of ADHD: 1 Hyperactiv­ity — Fidgets in a chair. — Leaves his/her seat when its inappropri­ate. — Runs or climbs when it’s inappropri­ate. — Frequently has difficulty playing or participat­ing in activities quietly.

— Often acts like he or she is “on the go” or “driven by a motor”. — Talks excessivel­y (too much).

— Misses details and makes careless mistakes. — Is unable to organise tasks and activities. — Has difficulty following through on instructio­ns and completing assignment­s. — Gets bored with a task after only several minutes. — Doesn’t seem to listen when spoken to. — Is easily distracted. — Often loses toys, school supplies or anything necessary for a particular task. — Is often forgetful. — Avoids, dislikes or hesitates to participat­e in activities that require continous mental effort (eg homework)

— Blurts out answers before questions are completed. — Has a tough time awaiting his or her turn. — Interrupts others. How is my child diagnosed with ADHD? Doctor will perform a physical examinatio­n and take a medical history.

Doctor may also check hearing and vision so other medical conditions can be ruled out.

Other adults who see your child regualarly eg teachers probably will be consulted

An educationa­l evaluation, which usually includes a school psychologi­st, may also be done. You can also consult the occupation­al therapist. Lee-Anne Hall BSc Physiother­apy Reply Insist on a sit-down talk and beg your man to be frank with you. Do you and he actually have a future or are you both guilty of wasting each other’s time? If he admits he feels your marriage has run out of steam, then he has to be clear whether he wants out or wants to revive it. Tell him you are prepared to work as hard as it takes to make things good again, but you cannot turn back the clock or undo the stupid things you did that you now deeply regret. Also, ask yourself why you felt tempted to cheat in the first place. His behaviour shows that he has not dealt with your cheating the right way. You both need some counsellin­g. Go to your general practition­er, he or she will recommend a counsellor who can help save your marriage.

My wife found out that I cheated on her and she divorced me and got the house. The woman I was cheating with dumped me and told me she does not want a serious relationsh­ip. I am now a lodger and from the day she left me I have been begging her to forgive me and take me back. Things have been bad for me but she does not care. How can she be so cruel? Reply You can’t blame your wife for this mess. She did not push you into the arms of your ex-lover. If your marriage was not a happy one, you should have spoken to your wife before you cheated on her. I understand her decision to divorce you and if she really is not willing to give you a second chance, you will have to accept it. After all she went through the divorce — that to me is a sign that she is done with you. You need to pick yourself up. You have made some big mistakes, but life goes on and you won’t feel this low for ever. It’s vital that you learn from this and vow to treat future partners with considerat­ion and due respect.

Our daughter has trouble sleeping since she was born. She is now six years old but still sleeps in our bed. I am now sexually frustrated because my wife and I rarely have sex because of her. During the day I will be at work so we only have sex at stolen moments. What can I do? Reply Surely the important matter here is to get your daughter the profession­al support she needs for a decent night’s sleep. It is vital that you all visit your doctor together and explain how intolerabl­e this situation has become. Find out what help is available for her. You also need to be mindful of the possibilit­y that your wife has lost her sexual confidence and could be hiding behind your daughter’s condition. Reassure her of your love

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