Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Prophet introduces, ‘miracle anti-small house campaign’

- Walter Mswazie in Masvingo

A SELF-STYLED Miracle Healing and Deliveranc­e (MHD) Ministry founder Prophet Isaac Makomichi has vowed to end adultery in Masvingo after introducin­g “miracle anti-small house campaign” where he would expose cheating married Christians.

Addressing congregant­s during the church’s cross over crusade at the church’s guest house at the industrial site in Masvingo on New Year’s Eve, the prophet said the Holy Spirit told him that there was a lot of adultery going on among Christians in Masvingo that he was going to expose in 2017.

He said cheating congregant­s were blocking God’s power to change people’s lives from poverty to prosperity but he has been given the powers to fight the satanic vice in 2017. He predicted that the bond notes introduced by the Government will normalise the situation in Zimbabwe, adding that as long as the surrogate currency was not printed in abundance Zimbabwe would not plunge into economic abyss.

“The Holy Spirit has told me that there is a lot of adultery going on among Christians in Masvingo and I have been instructed to expose all these shenanigan­s in 2017. Anyone who engages in adultery will not be able to separate from his or her partner so, be warned brethren. This is called anti-small house miracle and do not say I have not warned you,” said Prophet Makomichi.

The 22-year-old prophet also predicts soccer results which has seen gamblers flocking to his church.

He said he would give holy water to all Christians willing to expose their cheating partners so that they catch them red-handed.

“I invite all who suspect that their spouses are engaged in extra-marital affairs to come forward for assistance. I would help them expose their partners’ shenanigan­s and do not be surprised to hear of incidents where adulterous couples fail to separate during the act. God has decided to clean the City of Masvingo of sins. However, I urge you not divorce your partners after such a revelation, come before God and pray, the exposure is meant to make you holy before God,” he said.

However, some fear-struck congregant­s who spoke to Sunday News have accused the controvers­ial prophet

Mmelwa Netsha (19) came first in 100m breaststro­ke and second in the 50m breaststro­ke which was won by Dale Bruce (17).

Mashonalan­d’s Chase Onorati, who put up a good showing at the AUSC Region 5 Under-20 Youth Games in Angola last month, took gold in the 100m butterfly, 50m freestyle and 100m freestyle.

In the 15-16 age group Matabelela­nd’s swimmers were dominant with O’Hara (16) and Denilson of wanting to cause divorces among Christian families.

“I think such a prophecy does not help families but destroys them. People will repent through listening to the word, not being exposed. While adultery is bad, couples should be taught to remain faithful to each other and not be exposed. You will find out that many families will disintegra­te and that is not good before God. Such prophecies should be banned,” said a male congregant who asked not to be named.

A senior elder, Mr Mathew Nhamo of Zaoga Forward in Faith dismissed the prophecy as controvers­ial and a threat to family unity saying genuine prophecies Cyprianos (15) achieving top three positions in most of the events.

O’Hara scooped the 400m freestyle, 50m backstroke, 100m backstroke 100m butterfly, 200m individual medley and 50m backstroke and came second in the 100m freestyle, 100m, 50m freestyle and 200m backstroke while Denilson Cyprianos took gold in 200m freestyle, 100m and 200m backstroke while coming second in the 400m freestyle, 200m individual would not cause havoc in people’s marriages but instil harmony.

“I think it is ‘ ungodly’ for a prophet to cause marriage breakdowns. Some of these prophecies should be treated with caution. This is the same prophet who last year trapped witches and a certain family in Mashonalan­d West was complainin­g that they were seeing their late son’s ghost after visiting this controvers­ial prophet. A New Year’s message should not threaten people’s marriages but give people hope about their lives,” said Mr Nhamo. medley and 50m backstroke.

Quinton Tayali (16) took second spot in the 100m butterfly in the same age category with Roan Isemonger (16) coming second in the 200m freestyle and Jordan Smith was third in the 400m and 200m freestyle events.

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