Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

London attack: Men ‘planned to use 7,5t lorry’


THE London Bridge attackers tried to hire a 7,5-tonne lorry to carry out their attack, police say.

But the three men failed to provide payment details and the vehicle was not picked up, prompting them to use a smaller van from a DIY store instead.

The men drove into pedestrian­s on the bridge before stabbing people in Borough Market seven days ago.

Police said the men tied 12-inch (30cm) pink ceramic knives to their wrists and had petrol bombs in the van.

Eight people were killed and dozens more were injured in the attack, which began shortly before 22:00 BST on 3 June.

Khuram Shazad Butt, Rachid Redouane and Youssef Zaghba have been named as the attackers, who were all shot dead.

Early yesterday, police said they had arrested a man (27), on suspicion of preparing terrorists acts, after carrying out a raid in Ilford, east London, linked to the attack.

At 02:05 BST, police arrested another man (28), at a residentia­l address in Barking, on suspicion of preparing terrorists acts.

Six other men are also being held under terrorism legislatio­n.

In its most detailed descriptio­n of the attack yet, the Metropolit­an Police said the three attackers had rented a flat in Barking, east London, to use as a safe house.

Inside, they found a copy of the Koran opened at a page describing martyrdom. They also discovered equipment for making petrol bombs, plastic bottles and duct tape for constructi­ng fake suicide bomb belts, and an ID card for Redouane.

Forensic work at this flat has determined that they acted alone. — BBC News

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