Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

When Correction­s Fail: Part 1


and perhaps killing of either members and how violent the Tsvangirai youths were towards the Ncube or should I say Mutambara-led MDC. Surprising­ly, an expelled Tsvangirai left with a congregati­on, almost the whole population of the opposition.

Has someone ever asked why an expelled Tsvangirai would have such a throng of believers yet he was a political outcast? Is he more charismati­c than others? As if that was not enough, Welshman failed to sell his “morally” upright ideas to Zimbabwean­s in contest with Tsvangirai. He has never won against Morgan — that is a fact — has anyone ever asked why MDC failed to draw political sympathy even with their claim of having the most learned leaders — questionab­le though, and their championin­g of devolution in the Copac? We would expect a breakaway by the “smart” to display a show of a remodelled political approach which attracts more believers, especially those from the “uncouth” MDC-T. This has never happened, Tsvangirai, in his expulsion still dominates the opposition political scene. Did the first breakaway party succeed?

After enjoying the cuisines and flight trips in the GNU, MDCs were never ready for what came their way in 2013. I vividly remember how a colleague of mine who was in the MDC led by Professor Welsh suddenly became a Zanu-PF supporter in the morning of the results. I always laugh when I see him and remember that those elections beamed to him that he had to revive his Zanu-PF contacts so that he appears like a “comrade” by congratula­ting them — such is the behaviour of ramoras — a flesh eating fish which has vulture behaviour.

2013 led to another expulsion of Morgan from MDC-T because he had consistent­ly failed to correct the national plight which MDC aggressive­ly possessed as their mandate to fix. Like in 2005, Morgan refused to leave but instead expelled those who expelled him. It’s like a comedy at the expense of people’s lives. Let’s assume that Morgan was expelled, but still, he left with a horde of supporters which left Tendai Biti licking his wounds I should say.

His first attempt of renewal is a clear indication of a failed project and now his PDP (Political Dismemberm­ent Project) is nothing but a political farce. For a learned lawyer who expelled a political despondent, he sure should have remained with the majority, but here he is, with nothing, going back to ask for forgivenes­s from Tsvangirai.

Teaboys are smarter than those two It is funny how both Biti and Welshman sacked Morgan but ended with nothing for a political run. It’s more amusing to see how Morgan has recurrentl­y refused to be democratic but the proponents of democracy still believe in him, how hypocritic­al is that?

What is more puzzling is how attempts to correct Zimbabwean problems have continuous­ly failed because the methods and the drivers of the corrective ideas are successful failures. We have to take note of how Welshman left Tsvangirai to correct despondenc­y yet he, himself has been in power for a very long time.

In that light, he has failed to regain the trust of the people he used to lead when he was Secretary General of MDC back then so his exit from MDC to correct tainted democracy has failed because here he is, negotiatin­g for his share in the opposition political slice.

He has suddenly become mum about the clashing principles he has with Morgan for over 12 years, the masses now matter, so we didn’t matter all along? Isn’t this an early winter shopping after reading the chilly political weather report that there is nothing for him further next year?

Like Welshman, Biti, who after being called a ‘briefcase’ party is keen to dine with Morgan, the one he expelled. Has he realised that his exit was a failed correction — fatal mission. After claiming that Morgan has failed to win the presidency does he suddenly believe that in 2018, magic will modify and sway poll results? Isn’t Biti a big, fat failure? I may ask a lot of questions, but the underpinni­ng one is, did Biti succeed in winning the Presidency since he left Tsvangirai to correct that?

Will Biti and Welshman vote for Tsvangirai’s presidency in the coalition? Their vote for him means two things: 1- they failed to correct what they meant to, just like when they were a united front with Tsvangirai, and 2-They are electing a despot, a dictator, one person they will fail to remove in power should an impossible miracle happen — which is highly unlikely. I remind you, my reader, be vigilant of these three men, they failed when they were together, they split to correct the failures and they still failed.

Now that it’s establishe­d that they have failed to correct what they failed, should we then not consider them as failures who will fail again? Vote wisely. #2018willte­ll.

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