Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

MP sues ex-army boss

- Walter Mswazie in Masvingo

CHIREDZI West Member of the National Assembly Cde Darlington Chiwa has dragged a former army captain Faster Gono to the Masvingo High Court demanding $1 million for defamation emanating from an assault and criminal case made against him in 2015.

Cde Chiwa who is represente­d by Mutendi, Mudisi and Shumba Legal Practition­ers, alleged in the lawsuit, that Mr Gono made a false report at Triangle Police Station that the legislator had assaulted and criminally insulted him. According to the court papers when the matter against Cde Chiwa was heard, Mr Gono had alleged that while they were at Kamba Primary School in Triangle, Cde Chiwa physically assaulted him and called him a homosexual in public. Cde Chiwa was then dragged before a Chiredzi magistrate court facing charges of criminal insult and one count of assault. The legislator was, however, acquitted. “The criminal allegation­s levelled against the plaintiff were baseless that the matter was discharged at the close of State’s case largely because there was no evidence of blameworth­iness attaching to Plaintiff whatsoever. All allegation­s were concocted with the malicious intention of defacing and humiliatin­g the Honourable Member of Parliament by dragging him to court and subjecting him to prosecutio­n for no apparent reason,” read part of the lawsuit.

“As a result of the malicious and giving this disinforma­tion by Gono, the plaintiff was subjected to lengthy prosecutio­n and a total of $10 000 as legal fees. He also suffered damages for contumelia in the sum of $990 000 arising from deprivatio­n of freedom, discomfort, mental anguish and anxiety of being subjected to a lengthy trial.”

Contacted for comment, Mr Gono professed ignorance about the lawsuit saying it was hearsay as he has not been served with any paper from the High Court.

“It is news to hear that Chiwa has sued me. I am yet to get the summons. I will only consult my lawyers when I get the papers. It could be the work of people who feel threatened with my stance on corruption. I am one person who is incorrupti­ble and I know I could have created enemies through that but I will not compromise on such a cancerous vice,” Mr Gono said.


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