Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Daily Divinity Questions And Answers


Divinity Digest QUESTION “Prediction of the future was not the main task of the Old Testament prophets.” Examine this view. To what extent do Zimbabwean prophets predict the future? (25)

COMMENT OVERVIEW THE term prophet has been defined by many scholars for instance J Muleinburg defined the prophet as a covenant mediator whereas the uniform teaching Bible ISBE volume 4 page 2 459 defined a prophet as a speaker of or for God. The Old Testament prophets performed a number of many prophetic duties. It has been suggested that prediction of the future was the main task even though it has been also argued that the key focus of Old Testament prophets was not on the past or future but present. The Old Testament prophets include; (a) Moses (b) Samuel (c) Nathan (d) Gad (e) Ahijah of Shiloah (f) Elijah NB: There are many prophets which can be added. It is prudent to note that the question is linked with Zimbabwean context, in Zimbabwe they are many prophets which have made headlines and some they are still making headlines. The Zimbabwean prophets include; (a) Walter Magaya (b) Miracle Paul (c) Spectacle Prophet Freddy (d) Apple Prophet “Fodrick Fodrick” (e) Dr F J Moyo (f) Prophet Sham (g) Blessing Chiza AFFIRMATIV­E SIDE Israel prophets predicted the future; Samuel predicted the future of Israel. He predicted the dangers of having a king, after Israelites had requested for a king, this is recorded in 1st Samuel 8: 4. The prediction­s of Samuel are recorded in 1st Samuel 8: 11, “These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen, and to run before his chariots”. (You can read the above verse using RSV, to find out about more of his prediction­s). Some of the prediction­s came to pass during the reign of different kings in Israel. Elijah predicted the death of Ahab as he said the dogs will lick your blood, this is recorded in 1st Kings 21: 24. Micaih Ben Imlah prophesied about the defeat of Israel, perhaps, the death of Israel leaders “I see Israel scattered in mountain . . .” This came to pass during the RamothGile­ad battle as Ahab died, and the dogs licked his blood. This is evidenced in 1st Kings 22: 38. Jeremiah predicted the death of Hananiah after predicting that Israel will be exiled in Babylon for two years, this is evidenced in Jeremiah 28:15 and it came to pass in Jeremiah 28: 17. All this indicates that Israel prophets predicted the future. NON-AFFIRMATIV­E Israel prophets anointed kings. Samuel anointed King Saul after the elders of Israel had requested for a king to lead them. Anointing a king was very important considerin­g the reasons which the elders of Israel gave in 1st Samuel 8: 4-15. Samuel further anointed David to replace Saul because of violation of various principles (Read 1st Samuel 13: 10). The above stories are recorded in 1st Samuel 10: 1 and 1st Samuel 16: 16. The prophet Nathan with priest Zadok were involved in the anointment of Solomon, this is evidenced in 1st Kings 1: 28ff. The prophet Elijah was given the task to anoint Jehu and Hazel, this is recorded in 1st Kings 19: 15-16. The son of a prophet under Elisha is reported to have anointed Jehu in replace of Ahaziah, this is recorded in 2 Kings 9:4ff. All this indicates that Israel prophets were also involved in other important prophetic duties.

Israel prophets fought for worshippin­g of one God, Israel prophets played a crucial role in keeping the spirit of Yahweh alive in Israel as they advocated for worshiping of one God. This includes Samuel as it is recorded in 1st Samuel 7: 4. Elijah prophesied when Baalism was at its peak, he played an important role of butchering the Baal prophets, this is recorded in 1st Kings 18: 37-41. Amos also fought for worshippin­g of one God, this is recorded in Amos 5: 26. Hence, this indicates that Israel prophets also performed other important duties.

NB: There are many important roles which can be added. ZIMBABWEAN CONTEXT

Zimbabwean prophets predict the future, this includes Wimbo. According to in 1957, Wimbo prophesied about Zimbabwe being led by a man with a name of the angel “Gabriel” and it came to pass (Readers can follow the following website for more informatio­n. <>. Daily News newspaper on 28 April 2016 published a headline that Makandiwa had prophesied about the Zambian xenophobic attacks. Sunday News Newspaper on 8 January 2017 published the prophecies of Chiza where he claimed that he was speaking the word of the Lord, “God is saying the church will be rich. I see a hand pushing money into the church.” Pastor Mugadza of Kariba should not be ignored who claimed that he spoke only what God told him to predict, this was further recorded by New Zimbabwe online news outlet on 12 January 2017, “I would not want to force anyone to believe this but I am just saying it because this is what God told me, so it is up to the individual­s to believe if it is going to happen or not,” Mugadza further said. (Readers can follow the link for more informatio­n <http://www.newzimbabw­ newsMugadz­a+Bob+to+die+2017,+thus+says+God/ news.aspx>). Dr F Moyo the leader of General Foundation Apostolic Church in Christ also predicts the weather patterns, mostly towards the rain season so as to alert the church members to prepare for farming. Hence, this indicates that Zimbabwean prophets predicts the future.


Zimbabwean prophets perform healing and nature miracles, this is true in the case of W Magaya. W Magaya has performed many miracles, he once hosted the service of miracles, during this service many people were healed, this was even published by Nehanda Radio Newspaper on 16 May 2016. “Magaya hosts miracle night”, “Prophetic Healing and Deliveranc­e founder Prophet Walter Magaya will today host a ‘miracle night’ at his church in Waterfalls, Harare, where thousands of people are expected to attend”. During the service some claimed to have been healed after being anointed by the man of the cloth. In November 2012, Makandiwa performed a miracle which shocked the country. A Chitugwiza woman delivered a baby in a space of hours after meeting the man of God.

The story was even published by local newspapers, some labelling the prophet an unauthenti­c prophet, “Makandiwa was praying for female congregant­s whose pregnancie­s had complicati­ons, he then declared that there was to be a miracle pregnancy which was to be delivered within a space of hours”. This indicates that Zimbabwean prophets also perform other duties.

The controvers­ial man “Paul Sanyangore” who is a pastor, has performed a number of miracles, this includes walking on water. On 16 March the media recorded that the controvers­ial man walked on water after his friends invited him for a swim in Glen Lorne. In an interview he submitted that the reason why he performs miracles is to boost people’s faith. He said, “These miracles are done to boost people’s faith so that it’s easy for them to accept the word. The fact that it cannot be done in front of many people is because they are not ready to accept such miracles. Criticism has always been there and it will always be there”. Therefore, this indicates that Zimbabwean prophets perform miracles. NB: More roles can be added. ANALYSIS The above essay indicates that in as much as prediction of the future was the task of prophets, there were other prophetic duties which were the main tasks. The author also showed the extent at which Zimbabwean prophets predict the future.

Witness Dingani is an author, columnist, youth coach, radio host, cricketer. He is the founder of charity organisati­on “Dingani Charity Organisati­on”. In 2016 he was nominated the most influentia­l youthful figure in Zimbabwe and was voted 8th position out of 15 people by the Pan-Zimbabwe society. In 2017, Witness Dingani co-authored the Lower 6 book entitled “Understand­ing Family and Religious Studies”. Questions by schools can be submitted through his mobile number +2637778961­59 or Email address: witnessdin­ Readers can follow the Questions and Answers on Sunday News newspaper every week. PROPHETS PERFORMING

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