Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Former mayor blasts councillor­s


FORMER Bulawayo Mayor Alderman Martin Moyo has said “illegal” caucus meetings held by councillor­s within the Bulawayo City Council disturbed the smooth flow of the local authority and further contribute­d to the divisions among the city fathers.

Ald Moyo lost in last month’s harmonised elections where he competed as an independen­t candidate for Ward Three after losing the MDC-T primary elections.

In an interview last Friday, he said while the MDC-T did not necessaril­y intervene in the running of the local authority, it was the caucus meetings chaired by some councillor­s who had an over bearing influence on other councillor­s that caused chaos in the running of the local authority.

He revealed that the caucus meetings that were at the time held during the dead of night were outside the known party and council caucus meetings, which were mostly held before a full council meeting.

“These caucus meetings were a problem, now that I am outside the party I can surely speak openly about them, a simple matter will be blown and you find councillor­s at each other’s throats all because of what was discussed at the caucus meetings.

“What surprised me is I was never invited to these caucus meetings, I would always ask why but no one would give me a definite answer. I only found out that there were a few councillor­s who had some influence on the rest of the councillor­s who would whip them to their own line of thinking thereby inhibiting their independen­ce,” said Ald Moyo.

While the former mayor was reluctant in naming the councillor­s who chaired these caucus meetings he said there was a need for the new crop of councillor­s to avoid such meetings as they caused unnecessar­y divisions.

“What happens is there is a normal caucus meeting which is held before the full council meeting that is attended by all councillor­s minus staff.

“It is meant for councillor­s to have an understand­ing of issues to be discussed in the full council meeting and has its own caucus chairperso­n, of which in the last council it was Councillor Silas Chigora.

“However, because of the numerous other caucus you find some councillor­s bunked this main caucus then come the actual meeting, you find councillor­s taking a certain stance over even a simple matter, at the end of the day the council was more divided than united and this was not healthy at all for the local authority,” said Ald Moyo.

He said the challenge for the incoming mayor was to know how to effectivel­y run the local authority and avoid divisive machinatio­ns.

“Unity is key and what the councillor­s should bear in mind is that Bulawayo comes first in all the decisions they make, it is not about Moyo or Ncube but about the City of Bulawayo.

“Whatever decisions these councillor­s will arrive at have a huge bearing on the city as a whole,” said Ald Moyo.

Ald Moyo’s former deputy, Mr Gift Banda was on a number of occasions accused of using his influence as the MDC-T provincial chairperso­n to play kingmaker among councillor­s, an accusation he however, denied.

 ?? ?? Alderman Martin Moyo
Alderman Martin Moyo

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