Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Woman dies after taking lemon juice concoction


A SELF-PROCLAIMED prophetess in Kwekwe has been arrested after she prescribed a concoction of lemon juice, vinegar, cooking oil and salt to one of her patients who later died after consuming the mixture.

Evelyn Madhara (28), of 16128 Mbizo Section 15 in Kwekwe, last week appeared before Kwekwe magistrate Mrs Rosemary Dube facing a charge of culpable homicide.

Beatrice Masundire died upon admission after she drank the concoction that was prepared by the healer. Madhara was not asked to plead and was remanded in custody to 5 September for trial.

The State led by Miss Michelle Daraja has it that on 21 August, the now deceased went to Madhara’s homestead seeking treatment for a stomach ache.

Madhara, the court heard, then gave Masundire a concoction of lemon juice, vinegar, cooking oil and salt to drink. Upon drinking, the court heard, the now deceased started vomiting and excreting watery stools before she fell unconsciou­s.

She was rushed to Kwekwe District Hospital where she was pronounced dead upon arrival. Madhara was then arrested.

Meanwhile, in an unrelated case, a 76-year-old man was arraigned before Mrs Dube for duping a shopkeeper after masqueradi­ng as a Kwekwe City Council employee before disappeari­ng with groceries.

The man, Stephan Mangena of Zengeza 2 in Harare, appeared before Mrs Dube facing a charge of theft after he went away with the goods worth $240 from a tuckshop within the Kwekwe Long Distance Bus Terminus.

He was remanded in custody to tomorrow for sentencing after he pleaded guilty to the charge.

Placing him on remand, Mrs Dube noted that Mangena had similar cases in Gweru hence he will receive the sentence for all the cases at once.

The State led by Ms Daraja has it that on 16 August around 4PM, the accused person went to Shop Number 1 at Kwekwe Long Distance Bus Terminus and introduced himself as a Kwekwe City Council employee.

He then told the shopkeeper, whose name was not mentioned, that he intended to buy some goods on behalf of the local authority and payment would be made by the city council.

The shopkeeper, the court heard, went on to give Mangena the groceries including washing powder, baked beans, Dragon energy drinks and a radio all valued at $239.

Mangena went on to hire a taxi being driven by one Exhibit Matanga who ferried him together with the goods to the Kwekwe Civic Centre.

Upon arrival, Mangena disembarke­d, pretended as if he was ferrying the goods inside the council offices before disappeari­ng.

Matanga reported the matter to the police. Mangena was arrested at Senderayi Bus Terminus intending to hitch-hike to Harare.

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