Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Complacenc­y — A slow killer of your potential


IF we were to be given a mirror that reflects how some of us would perform (work, sports, choir) if our fullest potential was exercised, we would be amazed at what some of us can possibly do. Many of us operate far below our potential and ability because we are too relaxed to improve and work on ourselves.

We have no zeal to upgrade our knowledge and perfect our skills. It is funny that we often find discomfort when we don’t renew our hairstyles, upgrade our phones or buy new clothes but we find so much comfort in spending years with the same knowledge and skill that is not upgraded, improved or perfected.

Some even boycott going to church because they haven’t bought new clothes, they feel embarrasse­d to be seen in the same outfit but very few feel ashamed of being the same school teacher/lecturer who could not use Microsoft Excel to capture data years ago.

Some are not bothered by being the same marketer who did not have online marketing skills years ago. There is someone who is not bothered by sitting at home doing nothing after failing Form 4. We are too relaxed to even work on our character that can make us better leaders, employees and citizens in general.

Give complacenc­y a few years and you may never recover

From the renowned successful people in the world, I have never heard of any who bumped into success or who mysterious­ly found him/herself successful without putting effort towards success. There is no magical trick to success; rather you have to work towards it all the time.

If you don’t due to procrastin­ation or complacenc­y, do not be surprised when you run into trouble, big trouble! It will be just one day when you will find out that you are left behind or simply becoming irrelevant in this modern and dynamic world. When this happens, do not look elsewhere for answers, proclaimin­g that bad luck is upon you, just know that you gave complacenc­y a few years and now you are struggling to recover from its implicatio­ns.

Desire to look smart mentally as much as you desire to look smart outwardly, what profit do you get by just being a gentlemen or lady of good appearance and smart clothing but when it comes to demonstrat­ing your value and necessity in society, organisati­on, team and so on you are then found empty. It is actually more embarrassi­ng.

Invest in your success through education

As Trust Academy we encourage you to invest in your success and operate to your fullest potential. No matter your social, cultural or academic background, success is a sure case for you if you refuse to be complacent with your current situation or status.

I have realised that some people look down upon themselves or they disqualify themselves from working towards being successful because they failed their O-levels or they may have never wrote their O-levels. But at Trust Academy we are the beacon of hope to such people. We offer profession­al courses that also cater for such people so that they are not left behind in this race of success.

With or without O-level passes, as Trust Academy we say that your passion and the enthusiasm you have to succeed is sufficient enough to bring success to your doorstep. Nothing beats a person’s determinat­ion to succeed. Success is a treasure waiting to be discovered by those who are hungry for it Not those who are complacent and too relaxed. Provide security for yourself and your children through success in education.

Visit Trust Academy and we will direct your path to success.

Article prepared


This article is prepared and presented in the interest of providing free career guidance and counsellin­g to all people who value education and training as a critical cornerston­e to success in life. Trust Academy invites all people, with or without O levels as well as degree holders who have a dilemma or are unsure of what career path to pursue to visit their offices on 3rd Floor, Haddon and Sly building, corner Fife street and 8th avenue for FREE career guidance. Alternativ­ely, write to: mbindi@trustacade­ or WhatsApp 0773616665 or phone 0712212179.



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