Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Where I am coming from


I FIND it very amazing in what the Lord has done for me over the years. The transforma­tion is so much that sometimes I feel scared when I think of how much I would avoid interactio­n with anything that would bring me closer to God. What scares me is not that I would avoid Him, no, what scares me is how much I was at risk of missing out on. Actually I think if I had not encountere­d the Lord, I would be dead by now.

From the time I received Christ I have become alive. Most of us float through the day with busy schedules but when you receive Jesus you become alive. The power that engulfs you reveals to you things words cannot explain, the peace within is at a scale only explainabl­e with the help of the Holy Spirit. When I read through my first book, my early articles and listen to my teachings, I notice that is largely about wealth creation, they are not broad in terms of exploring who God is. Most of those came to me when I was very young in the Lord. Although the Lord wants us to be wealthy, it is not the prime reason for being Christian. It is just a small fraction of the benefits of being in Christ, you do not lack. With that being said, after I re-read some of my work, I found it very shallow in the sense that I could have said much more in it. I could broke down the meanings of things better. I am not sure if this is a good or bad thing. But as a result, I am almost able to measure my growth.

With regards to us Christians and wealth, let me hasten to say something I found intriguing. In many countries the word of the Lord has been interprete­d to various languages so as to accommodat­e everyone, but some words tend to be wrongly interprete­d. For example, the Lord Jesus promised us persecutio­n for his names sake, not poverty. In Shona persecutio­n is kutambura. Now, this same word means to lack and to experience hardships. So when one reads the verse in the bible, they may think the Lord is promising the poverty with the hope only being when they die. Therefore many Christians have for a long time thought there is something Godly and holy about lacking. I have great news for you my brothers and sisters alike, this is not true. The Lord delights in our wealth and us doing well in our finances. It pleases him when we work hard and our children’s children inherit good things from us. I pray the Lord empowers you to understand as I attempt to divide his word to bring understand­ing of financial abilities of a Christian and the various aspects of our daily living in the twenty first century.

The Lord is good in all his ways, he is wise is the way he deals with his own. The Lord only corrects those he loves. Like any parent, they correct a child out of love. In the safety of the covering of the Lord. We are allowed to grow, this growth is caused and quickened by his anointing. That is the only explanatio­n for any Christian’s growth and I am no exception. We do not exist in the ignorance of there being an enemy. The bible says of him he is prowling like a hungry lion seeking out whom he can devour. We know there are rulers of darkness that are always in wait to lay waste to us. But we do not by any means doubt the anointing God has placed over us. The anointing of God changes a man. One who has previously a failure in life is transforme­d completely by the anointing of God. The anointing makes everything beautiful. That is why it is so attractive. It attracts all sorts of things and people, thus it is up to the holder of the anointing to choose what to entertain and what to avoid. The anointing of God makes it easy to sell products, the anointing of God makes it easy to preach and teach. The bible says the Spirit of God makes everything plain to us. The anointing of God gives wisdom. Complicate­d concepts become very simple when they are scrutinise­d by an anointed man. The anointing will push a vision. A common trait about any vision is that it is always bigger than finances. What bridges the gap between the vision and the finances is the anointing of God. The anointing gives you ability to do much with limited resources. The anointing of God attracts resources. In all your getting, make sure you get the anointing of God. The anointing of God will cause a boy that grew up in the worst conditions mentally, physically, emotionall­y and financiall­y to become a global business leader. The anointing of God sets us apart from the rest. In all your getting, make sure you get the anointing of God and your life will be much easier. One that performs music under the anointing can go for a long time because he is fuelled by the presence of God. A lot of people that then prostitute the anointing by using it for evil run dry soon enough, when that happens they try to substitute it with drugs and alcohol but it is not the same. They try to achieve that high by taking drugs but it never works out the same. The anointing of God is unique. With man, there are things that are impossible, but with God all things are possible. Thus the anointing can cause you to achieve anything you desire. To me it’s the fuel God has given us to be able to function more efficientl­y than others. In all your getting, ensure that you get the anointing of God. I promise, you wont regret it.

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