Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

ED fight against corruption is real


THIS week saw an unpreceden­ted number of high-profile individual­s appearing before our courts of law in connection with corruption, giving momentum to Government’s fight against graft.

Given the fact that the tolerance threshold for the malady of abuse of office and corruption had been so low in the country, this is a marked and significan­t shift, which must inspire confidence in the generality of our people.

Admittedly, there has been cynicism in some quarters as to the sincerity of the exercise, but the nation should rest assured that the fight against corruption is real and that more cases of corruption will be dealt with in the courts, while some procedures and processes are underway to institute further cases that are within the radar.

This will make the following weeks interestin­g to watch. His Excellency, President Emmerson Mnangagwa, has already declared zero tolerance to corruption and has used various fora to hammer this home: as the wheels of justice turn, Zimbabwe will see the actualisat­ion of the anti-corruption governance paradigm espoused by President Mnangagwa.

Fighting corruption is one of the key pillars of the Second Republic and President Mnangagwa has stated that his administra­tion’s goal is to build a new Zimbabwe-based on transparen­cy, accountabi­lity and hard work. He recognises that corruption is one of the major causes of the problems that Zimbabwe faces today necessitat­ing that all cases be investigat­ed and punished in accordance with the laws of the country.

Government has already taken the initiative and establishe­d institutio­ns to deal with corruption. This has seen the establishm­ent of Special AntiCorrup­tion Courts, a new Anti-Corruption Prosecutio­n Unit within the Office of the President and the incorporat­ion of the Public Entities Corporate Governance Act.

Fighting corruption — A global imperative

A clean Government is imperative and a key pillar in achieving Vision 2030 and upper middle income country (UMIC) status. Before we delve into details of this paradigm, we need to demonstrat­e that this administra­tion’s fight against graft is in line with regional, continenta­l and global standards which require states to institute measures to deal with the scourge.

Zimbabwe, as a responsibl­e member of the internatio­nal community, adheres to fighting corruption in line with universal principles set out at United Nations, African Union and Sadc regional levels.

The United Nations Convention Against Corruption is a global framework for fighting graft and it has a far-reaching approach and a mandatory character whose provisions make it a unique tool for developing a comprehens­ive response to a global problem. The convention covers five main areas: preventive measures, criminalis­ation and law enforcemen­t, internatio­nal co-operation, asset recovery, and technical assistance and informatio­n exchange. The convention covers many different forms of corruption, such as bribery, trading in influence, abuse of functions, and various acts of corruption in the private sector.

At continenta­l level, the African Union (AU) Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption was adopted in 2003. It addresses corruption in the public and private sectors. It represents a consensus on what African countries should do in the areas of prevention, criminalis­ation, internatio­nal cooperatio­n and asset recovery. Its provisions criminalis­e domestic and foreign bribery, diversion of property by public officials, trading in influence, illicit enrichment, money laundering and concealmen­t of property. Earlier in the year, the African Union, during its 30th Assembly of Heads of State and Government in January 2018, launched 2018 as the African Anti-Corruption Year.

President Mnangagwa attended the summit, held under the theme “Winning the Fight Against Corruption: A Sustainabl­e Path to Africa’s Transforma­tion”. Africa also has a variety of instrument­s aimed at fighting corruption, among others, the African Charter on the values and principles of public service and administra­tion, and the African Charter on the values and principles of decentrali­sation, local governance and local developmen­t.

At regional level, the Sadc Protocol Against Corruption aims to promote and strengthen the developmen­t, within each member state, of mechanisms needed to prevent, detect, punish and eradicate corruption in the public and private sectors. The protocol further seeks to facilitate and regulate co-operation in matters of corruption among member states and foster developmen­t and harmonisat­ion of policies and domestic legislatio­n related to corruption.

The protocol clearly defines “acts of corruption” preventati­ve measures, jurisdicti­on of member states as well as extraditio­n.

The aims of the protocol are:

(a) to promote the developmen­t of anti-corruption mechanisms at the national level

(b) to promote co-operation in the fight against corruption by state parties

(c) To harmonise anti-corruption legislatio­n in the region

The protocol also, notably, provides a wide set of preventive mechanisms which include: developmen­t of code of conduct for public officials; transparen­cy in public procuremen­t of goods and services; easy access to public informatio­n; protection of whistle blowers; establishm­ent of anti-corruption agencies; develop systems of accountabi­lity and controls; participat­ion of the media and civil society; and use of public education and awareness as a way of introducin­g zero tolerance for corruption.

Zimbabwe relates to these measures and has especially taken steps to adopt them and localise the fight against corruption.

Fighting corruption as an enabler

for vision of UMIC

When Zimbabwe adopted the policy of seeking to achieve upper middle income country status by 2030 we set out a number of “New Dispensati­on Core Values”.

Fighting corruption is one of the issues we identified to be at the centre of achieving UMIC. Some of the precepts of the anti-corruption drive are transparen­cy, accountabi­lity and value for money.

Government is implementi­ng a number of measures on fighting corruption, one of the sources of increased cost of doing business, rent-seeking behaviour and inefficien­cy on service delivery in both public and private sectors. In the mining sector, there is need for greater transparen­cy and accountabi­lity in the management of mineral revenue and Government will improve mineral governance, including adoption of internatio­nal best practices, benefiting from the Extractive Industry Transparen­cy Initiative (EITI).

The New Government is capacitati­ng Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission,

national the the police and prosecutin­g authoritie­s with the requisite skills to investigat­e and prosecute crimes related to corruption. Similarly, Government is expediting the establishm­ent of a Commercial Crimes Court to fasttrack the prosecutio­n of such offenders.

Regarding asset declaratio­n, the administra­tion of President Mnangagwa has set the requiremen­t for Cabinet ministers and senior public servants to declare their assets. Work is also underway to set up anti-corruption courts.

In the corruption fight, Government will fight externalis­ation of funds, which has seen us institute the Finance Act of 2018, amending the Exchange Control Act by embodying “Amnesty in Respect of Illegally Expatriate­d Property” to address indiscipli­ne which had seen many individual­s and legal persons moving assets offshore.

Government has also enacted the Public Procuremen­t and Disposal of Public Assets Act, and subsequent­ly establishe­d the Procuremen­t Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe which decentrali­ses the procuremen­t process to public entities to ensure that public procuremen­t and disposal of assets is effected in a manner that is transparen­t, cost-effective and competitiv­e. Additional­ly, the Public Entities Corporate Governance Act has also been enacted, to improve the internal management structures of parastatal­s and other public entities, which had been characteri­sed by malpractic­es and corruption.

Looking the beast in the eye

Cases of corruption and serious fraud are complex and technical by nature. This requires us to look the beast in the eye. Experience­s elsewhere make this relation.

In the United Kingdom where trials are conducted before a jury, there have been efforts to make serious fraud cases be heard without a jury. This was because it was felt that the complexity of the cases was muddling the jury up. In Zimbabwe the failure to convict has been seen to suggest either a contaminat­ed system or a skills deficit. The latter is especially poignant.

Is the current ordinary judiciary training adequate to deal with the complex corruption cases that the courts are seized with?

On the other hand, are our courts endowed with enough integrity to tackle corruption? We are positive that our courts are capacitate­d with both talent and integrity. Soon, Government will inculcate the right measures of awareness, focus and ethic that will usher a sea-change in how the judiciary conducts itself in line with President Mnangagwa’s stance on corruption.

The movement in the fight against corruption — as seen in this week’s developmen­ts — points to a positive trajectory. The universall­y accepted truism is that successful conviction and incarcerat­ion of high-profile individual­s will send the right message to all that this Government means business when it comes to zero tolerance to corruption. Of course, the arrests have also sent the message that impunity no longer works. But nothing sends a more solid message than arrest, conviction followed by seizure and confiscati­on of assets.

There is also nothing that says we should not be able to put in place legislatio­n that allows the seizure of unexplaine­d wealth even if there is no conviction. The burden to prove a criminal case beyond reasonable doubt may prove too steep a summit to climb but if we are not going to be a hub for organised crime, then people should be able to explain their wealth. Failure should be assumed to mean it’s illgotten, and is seized and converted to public use.

Actions of such nature will enhance public confidence and kill this apathy that seems to be creeping in and dampening public morale due to lack of conviction­s. It also diminishes the quality of public service and our democracy. Failure to successful­ly prosecute high-level corruption has the effect of weakening our institutio­ns and distorting the rule of law. There is a need to re-establish public trust. And to recover trust and strengthen public institutio­ns the bad guys must go to prison. When high-profile people are arrested and publicly arraigned this must yield tangible results in order to galvanise public will and deter others.

It follows that for each mega arrest, we shall see a mega conviction or otherwise, upon a credible justice process. Zimbabwe has a reform-minded President championin­g the fight against criminal abuse of office and corruption.

Entrenched corruption must face both social and legal opposition otherwise it continues to affect the effectiven­ess of our Government. The most visible statement of “zero tolerance to corruption” is a criminal conviction — and we are confident that this will soon be bold enough. —The Herald.

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