Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

How God blesses His children


For a very long time we go to church and we are told of the possibilit­y of the Lord blessing us. Most Christians look at this as a far-fetched thing that they are still waiting for. In some cases, we get so used to the blessings around us that we stop seeing it as blessing and are always praying “Lord bless me” prayers. I imagine God is shocked by the prayer requests he gets because he says, I have already blessed this guy, what more does he want me to do.

Sometimes the blessings the Lord has given us require activation from us. But we do not know this. The truth is, God will not spoonfeed you. A popular saying among Christians is, he will make the manna fall every morning without fail, but he will not go out and pick it for you. An example of a blessing that needs your actions to activate is found in Deuteronom­y 28 verse 12.

Deuteronom­y 28:12: 12 The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. The Lord declares that he will bless the work of your hands. This means that if you do not work, the Lord will do nothing. The blessing is already there but the activation key is for you to work. Even if you cannot get a job, start something small. Just so that the Lord can find something to bless. Start a vegetable garden. All you need to do to activate this particular blessing is find something to do.

The Lord also blesses us with supernatur­al increase. How do you explain a man planting in famine and reaping a hundred fold? It can only be God.

Genesis 26:12: 12 Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfol­d, because the Lord blessed him. The Bible then goes on to explain why he reaped a hundred fold, it says, the Lord blessed him. It is important to understand what was going on in Isaac’s life. The man was so poor he paid bride price by offering 14 years of labour to his father-in-law. This goes to show that it is not important who or where you are, if you fulfil all conditions to claim your blessing from the Lord, then it will be granted. In fact, God works on principles. It is a principle that when you tithe you will be blessed, it is a principle that when you give, you will receive more. It is a principle that when you receive Christ and don’t backslide you will make it to Heaven.

I always tell people that it is very dangerous to steal from me for two reasons, everything I have is not money, it belongs to the Lord, and so if you take from me, you have taken from Him that gave it to me. The second reason is that He protects what belongs to me. This is not only for me, it is for all children of God.

Ephesians 4:6. One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. So it is only logical to trust that God protects you property. The word says he that never sleep nor slumbers looks after us. No matter what is taken from you, the Lord has placed generative power within you to create more. If you have made ten thousand dollars today, and that money is stolen from you, understand that the money is not important, what is important is that God has placed the ability to create this money in you. Here is proof:

Deuteronom­y 8:18: But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth,

It is like stealing a painting from an artist, yes, you have stolen the single work, but the generative ability to produce more paintings is in him. So he can make a billion more paintings. It is God that gives him the ability to create. Take all my books today, I will write more. The ability is a blessing of the Lord that is within me.

The Lord also blesses us by warning us of bad investment­s. He will always tell you when the deal is not good. The choice to go through with it or to dump the deal then remains up to you. God will never violate your free will. He does not force himself on anyone, he is a gentleman.

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