Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

No need to hurry


RUSHING into a relationsh­ip is always a mistake!

When you are heartbroke­n, the temptation to drown your sorrows by getting a new replacemen­t as quickly as possible usually comes as the best solution. But diving into another relationsh­ip too soon after heartbreak is deadly, it is just temporary and never solves the problem.

Of course meeting someone who makes you feel alive and loved is very exciting. You may think no one has ever made you feel like this and you can’t help but be amazed at the chemistry, or electricit­y between you and this new love. Many relationsh­ips start this way. But sadly those involved don’t take the time to get to know each other before jumping into something serious.

Often these kinds of relationsh­ips built on infatuatio­n can die as quickly as they spring up. Infatuatio­n usually occurs at the beginning of a relationsh­ip.

It is characteri­sed by urgency, intensity, sexual desire, and or anxiety, in which there is an extreme absorption in another.

It is unfortunat­e that no one can cheat heartbreak. When you are hurting, you are hurting. There aren’t any short-cuts or secrets to just stop feeling it. There’s a certain amount of pain created by every breakup and you need to feel every bit of it until you feel better.

It is always wise to take time to heal before moving on. When you are heartbroke­n, in most cases you will not be at your best and therefore not fit to make final decisions. We have had situations where people live to regret after making some lifetime mistakes.

For instance, a woman impregnate­d by someone whom she never loved, but it all happened after he gave her some attention when she had been disappoint­ed or was heartbroke­n.

Jumping into a relationsh­ip before dealing with your heartbreak is just as good as drinking beer when you are stressed. All you do is put the pain on hold, but it doesn’t go away, it waits until you are vulnerable and creeps back in, but stronger, because you ignored it for a while.

The new relationsh­ip will be hit by stunted growth as you will not be your original self. At that time, you do not have the usual protective skin that you normally would and that’s the stuff that keeps you from freaking out. Because you have your own pending issues, you at times have misunderst­andings over small issues. You are still hurting from your heartbreak and so you can be very sensitive.

Since you are essentiall­y just trying to run from your pain, you are going to need someone to run fast to keep up with you. That means you will come off as needy, wanting to see someone a lot, or talk on the phone several times a day. Being left alone too long lets the pain sneak in. Your life comes to revolve around that person and unfortunat­ely on your side you mistake that for love. You just can’t see someone for who they really are when you are still heartbroke­n over someone else. You are in a fog. Your perspectiv­e is cloudy. New people don’t get a real chance.

You have to be selfish to get over heartbreak. You have to dedicate all of your healing energy to yourself so you can’t really be there for someone new who may need your comfort or support for anything.

If you are still angry with your ex, you could accidental­ly project some of that anger onto new partners. Since they are still in your system, you see them in everyone else. Then new partners will just think you have anger issues.

Since your protective layer is all gone, new letdowns hurt more than they typically would. If a new date you like doesn’t want to see you again, it will hurt ten times as bad as it would if you weren’t still heartbroke­n over the last partner.

Your last relationsh­ip, however, it ended deserves a mourning period. You can’t just discard relationsh­ips as if they never happened, just because you don’t like the way they ended. It’s important for your psyche to mourn.

You probably still have some important lessons to learn from your last relationsh­ip — lessons that will enhance your chances of finding a better relationsh­ip next time. But you need alone time to really think about those. If you don’t take that time, you could repeat your mistakes.

It’s really important to be alone in between relationsh­ips so that you remind yourself that you can be alone. It may not be fun but, it won’t kill you. If you don’t show yourself that, you can develop serious codependen­cy issues because you will fear that being alone will kill you.

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