Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Govt should probe schools


DIRECTIVES from Government must be followed but there are other civil servants who need to be removed from duty because the habit of doing things wrong now flows in their bloodstrea­m.

Some schools send children back home on opening days. Mtshane Primary School turned away school kids, Mgoqo is a victim, maybe many more.

These two are in Nkulumane in Bulawayo. They do not have facilities to use for EcoCash, e-banking, swiping etc. Parents with plastic money balances have their children chased from class.

The two school heads do not work with parents properly. How are these people promoted? What criteria is used? They are not developing schools. They are stumbling blocks. At Mtshane there is no head to talk about. It’s a chaotic school. Disorganis­ed in every way you can imagine. Where are you SDCs?

It is a council school but things do not work smooth. There is administra­tive deficiency. Are these schools supervised? Where are you PEDs?

Please visit your schools regularly to make sure all is ok. Kuyadlalwa laphayana! Employ staff that makes a positive difference.

New Dispensati­on, Peter Ngwenya Nkulumane, Bulawayo

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