Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Suspended town clerk faces more charges

- Munyaradzi Musiiwa Midlands Correspond­ent

SUSPENDED Gweru town clerk Ms Elizabeth Gwatipedza, will soon have more charges preferred against her, Gweru Mayor, Councillor Josiah Makombe has said.

Ms Gwatipedza was suspended last week by Clr Makombe a few days after the two had an altercatio­n during a full council meeting where the city father accused his subordinat­e of misleading him on various matters. Clr Makombe said there were more charges that Ms Gwatipedza will face which will be revealed once investigat­ions have been completed.

“Gross incompeten­ce, council is greatly concerned about your continuous failure in dischargin­g your duties diligently and effectivel­y as expected resulting in council failing to properly operate.

“Gross insubordin­ation, council on several occasions requested that you avail your contract of employment and those of your directors to which you have refused, failed and neglected to do so.

“As a mayor I have also written to you and you have failed to respond or avail the contracts,” said Clr Makombe.

Clr Makombe said Ms Gwatipedza faced a number of allegation­s which includes failure to co-ordinate, monitor and supervise all department­s thereby resulting in employees working in silos which consequent­ly affected service delivery.

“These are not the only charges against her. We will prefer more charges against her soon,” he said.

Chamber Secretary Mr Vakayi Douglas Chikwekwe is acting Town Clerk. Ironically Mr Chikwekwe was in the process of being suspended by Ms Gwatipedza over alleged abuse of council resources after allegedly fraudulent­ly claiming more than 4 500 litres of fuel worth more than $70 000. This comes at a time when the local authority has pronounced that it was technicall­y insolvent.

Ideally if a company is technicall­y insolvent it goes under judicial management and in the case of local authoritie­s, the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing appoints a commission to run the day to day operations of the council.

 ??  ?? A shop assistant at Esats Store assists Lethokuhle Sibanda (centre) and Charlin Moyo who are going for Form One next year
A shop assistant at Esats Store assists Lethokuhle Sibanda (centre) and Charlin Moyo who are going for Form One next year

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