Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Create tomorrow today


A LOT of poor people have very small minds. This is not to say there are no wise poor people.

But the truth is, the majority of people that are not so wealthy don’t have the vision to see tomorrow. They exist for today.

This means they are mostly concerned about today. Because of that everyday is sort of a shock for them. Every new day requires to be planned for.

Every day is a new day that they need to worry about. But if you adjust the way you plan and begin to focus on planning for tomorrow, have measures in place for tomorrow, when tomorrow finally arrives, you are not planning for it, instead you plan for a future date.

We have a lot of examples of people with such a drive in Africa. People that do it on a much larger scale.

We can take the same way of thinking in terms of planning for our future and apply it to our individual lives. A futuristic mind is a pillar of wealth creation.

Oba Dokun Thompson, is one of the hardest working kings in Africa and is better known as His Royal Highness Oba Dokun Thompson — The Olooni of Eti-Oni of Nigeria.

He openly challenged the UN’s developmen­t strategy in Africa and the first king to deliver on a promise to redefine Africa by changing Africa from a source of raw materials only into a continent that can produce the end product itself.

In the space of 12 months, this king had delivered that promise to his kingdom, imagine what he could achieve if the UN and other IGOs supported the idea.

A new breed of leadership is emerging in Africa and it is coming out of Nigeria. We know Nigerians as a hard-working people that can move to any nation and make it there.

But for many years the general decay in their nation has surprised the world.

That new breed of leadership is led by His Royal Highness Oba Dokun Thompson, The Olooni of Eti-Oni, Founder of the African Natural Rulers Initiative­s and Chair of Africa Secretaria­t and the African Tourism Market.

Yes, it is a mouthful, however, the work this king did in 2016 alone surpasses what most

African kings have done in a lifetime.

This African king presented the developmen­t of rural Africa to the UK House of Lords under an initiative to develop Turkana in Kenya.

He challenged the UN on its developmen­t strategy for Africa, he went to the UN in Geneva to tell them they needed to put African Natural Rulers in the forefront of developmen­t strategies in Africa because they have a better relationsh­ip with rural Africa than the Government­s.

He addressed the Symposium on economic crime at Jesus College University of Cambridge. He participat­ed in the peace summit between India Pakistan conflict over Kashmir.

He seeks to drive peace as a means of deriving developmen­t in Africa and has addressed the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy regarding this.

He does not only address institutio­ns, but also puts ideas into action in his community. Oba Dokun Thompson arrives in his Kingdom to deliver what he promised the internatio­nal community. Eti-Oni is known in Nigeria for Cocoa.

The king designed the Cocoa festival as a means of bringing the community together, provide them with help in their developmen­t after setting up a developmen­t strategy for them to participat­e in.

Kabiyesi presented a chocolate bar to the Cocoa farmers. He was demonstrat­ing the need for Eti-Oni to participat­e and provide value right up to the end product.

He wanted to give them power of the product from the raw material state, to production and selling it directly to the client, a departure from Africa simply providing the raw materials.

We know from the Bible that we are kings, think about the things you did this very day. Do they show you are a king?

What time did you wake up, why did you wake up at that time? Did you bath, did you make your bed?

Are you generally a clean person? How do you think, are your thinking patterns like those of a king? Do you run away from challengin­g times? This is not the attitude of a king.

A king wakes up early and makes his bed, a king takes a shower.

A king is a clean person. If you meet a king looking scruffy, there is a very valid reason why they are that way. A king thinks in a positive manner, they think about the future.

They are always thinking of ways to better their lives and the lives of those around them. A king does not run away from their problems hoping the problem will vanish, a king faces his problem and fixes them.

When the home has no food, a king doesn’t go and beg. No, you, the king must go and work to earn money for food. If you cannot find a job, you plant the food yourself.

A king leads his nation into battle, he does not hide in the shadows waiting to get results of victory.

He goes out to bring the victory. The Bible says you are a king, do you carry yourself like one? A king is a man who heads a monarchy, if it’s an absolute monarchy then he is the supreme ruler of his nation.

The Kingdom of God is an absolute monarchy, no one can overthrow God, and no one can replace God as king.

If the King that cannot be replaced died for you so that you become king, then you cannot be overthrown.

Your seat of power is not guaranteed by your victories, it is guaranteed by the victory of Christ on the cross. Behave like a king, because you are a king. The Bible says;

Hebrews 6:18

It is impossible for God to lie

So when he says that you are a king, believe that you are king. He does not lie, it is impossible for him to do so. You are a king and the only way for your kingship to manifest is if you start carrying yourself like one.

When you imagine all things that a king is, you may think to yourself, this is a handful.

But even further, God calls you a little god. You are more than a king, you are a little god. A god is a supernatur­al, an immortal being with superior powers.

So God the father by calling us gods says we are supernatur­al, immortal and have superior powers.

That is mind blowing. Supernatur­al means you are above nature, it means you are added to nature, you are altered by forces that cannot be understood at all. Immortal means you are not susceptibl­e to death.

Having superior powers means you have ability that is above everything and everyone else.

If we are made in the image and likeness of God, it means you are indeed of above nature, if you are like God, then you are god. If a young one of a lion is a lion, then the young one of God is a god.

The Bible also says those that die in Christ have not died, they are just asleep and will rise again to meet him when he returns. That means we are immortal. We truly have superior powers and ability.

The spirit of God gives us better abilities, he gives us better thinking and makes us a better people because he is on earth just for us. After rupture.

The spirit of God will move out of the earth. He will not remain on earth because his purpose on earth would have left.

So carry yourself like a king because it is indeed true that you are one. Stay blessed. Facebook – Itai Chapunza

Tweeter – @itaichapun­za

Instagram – Itai Chapunza

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