Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Picture perfect glowing skin


EVERY woman desires picture perfect glowing skin. Whether you are a stay at home mum, student, busy career woman, it is very important to have good skin. Our skin is fragile and exposing it to harmful chemicals is always a risk. Stressful lifestyles, lack of sleep, bad nutrition, excessive smoking, drinking alcohol, pollution; these are major factors which make your skin dull and dry. All of these are part of life, we are cannot run away from most of them but we can slow down the loss of glow and radiance from your skin.

We’ve all invested in expensive skin care products, then realise they don’t do much for our skin. Others cake up their skin with loads of foundation to cover dark marks and blemishes. We all desire good skin, the kind of skin which will allow you leave the house without face powder. Glowy, healthy, radiant skin can be achieved with the following tips:

Your skin is made up of cells that need water to function well. Two litres of water a day will be good for your skin. The only challenge with this health tip are the trips to the toilet during the course of the day. There is a strong link between drinking more water and having healthier skin. Avoid smoke and secondary smoke

When you expose your skin to cigarette smoke, you are coating your face with chemical toxins. This will increase the oxidative stress in your skin cells leading to prematurel­y aged skin.

Turmeric contains cucurmin which has strong antioxidan­t and anti-inflammato­ry properties. This will eliminate the harmful free radical that are damaging to skin. Turmeric will keep your skin supple and glowing. It will cleanse your skin and make it clean and bright.

Make a thick paste, containing turmeric and honey. Apply on your face every morning for 30 minutes to an hour. This can work as an exfoliator, it fight off acne and pimples, dry skin. It helps your skin have an even tone.

This remedy works best for dry and dull skin. Coconut oil locks moisture in the skin and also nourishes it with essential fatty acids. Coconut oil is very oily, so best apply it before bed at night, so that it does its magic while you slumber.

You can mix lemon with turmeric or/and honey and apply on your face. The sugar granules help to get rid of dead cells. Lemon cleanses, bleaches, and also removes tan. It is one of nature’s best brightenin­g agent.

Grate the cucumber and add the yoghurt to it. Beat properly. Apply it on your face and neck. Leave it for 5 minutes until it dries and wash it off with cold water.

Cucumber is cooling for the skin. It replenishe­s and rejuvenate­s dull skin with antioxidan­ts. It also improves complexion and reduces swelling.

Baking soda is one of the well known home remedies for glowing face. It is beneficial in maintenanc­e of bright, radiant and glowing skin. Baking soda has properties which make it a mild antiseptic for preventing various skin problems like acne, spots and pimples. It can be used as an exfoliatin­g agent to prevent dirt, dead skin cells and impurities.

Whenever the beauty experts recommend skin care tips honey is always at the top of the list. Honey is a great antioxidan­t, it has antiseptic properties which fight acne. Honey also helps retain the lost moisture of skin thereby giving a beautiful glow. Honey can heal dry skin as well as itchy skin. It is one of the best home remedies for glowing skin. Apply it in the morning for about 30 minutes, you can add turmeric or lemon or even aloe vera.

Banana and milk are considered to be the best for dry skin and giving it a glow. It acts as a wonderful face moisturise­r for dry skin. It helps fights pimples and acne, its rich moisture prevents wrinkles. Milk will help your skin become brighter.

One of the best ways to brighten skin and boost its glow both immediatel­y and long term is by exfoliatin­g. This process is removing the skins outer layer of dead cells so its surface is smoother, clearer and reflects light. Exfoliate 3 times a week. Use shimmery lotion to boost glow

You can get instant glow! To apply, do as makeup artists do. Smooth one on as you would a face lotion before makeup, wear alone for a natural look or tap a dot on the high points of your face, such as the tops of your cheekbones and underneath the arches of your eyebrows.

Wearing sunscreen with an SPF of 15 and above can prevent skin cancer. Keeping your skin shielded from harmful UV rays also guards against photo-aging, which is the process of skin aging.

Get that glow this festive. It’s as easy, no need for all those expensive products.

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