Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Stray buffalo put down by rangers

- Michael Magoronga Midlands Correspond­ent

A STRAY female buffalo that has been part of a herd of four causing havoc in Silobela and posing danger to villagers has been put down by council rangers.

Zibagwe Rural District Council rangers shot the animal after four days of searching for the four buffaloes that are believed to have strayed from nearby Dollar Game Park. The other three are still to be located and villagers are living in fear especially that the animals are known for their temperamen­tal behaviour.

Buffaloes are a known source of the deadly foot and mouth, anthrax and tick borne diseases that affect livestock and people. Zibagwe RDC chief executive officer Mr Farayi Machaya confirmed the incident.

“Our rangers on Monday gunned down a buffalo which had given Silobela villagers sleepless nights. It had been roaming around and mixing with their livestock and above all it risked spreading diseases like anthrax and foot and mouth. As we all know, the buffaloes also come with a lot of ticks which may cause problems to the villagers’ livestock,” said Mr Machaya.

He said villagers’ lives were also at risk from the herd, adding that the rangers are on the ground to capture the other three.

“Our rangers will continue hunting for the other three and possibly drive them back to the game park,” he said.

He said the rangers had a torrid time in shooting the buffalo which had mixed with cattle. He said the carcass of the animal would be burnt to avoid a possibilit­y of spreading diseases.

This is the second buffalo to be shot after another one — a raging bull was put down in November in the same area.

Silobela Member of Parliament Cde Mthokozisi Manoki Mpofu said the buffaloes wreaked havoc in the area.

“We were at risk of having our cattle infected by diseases. It had caused havoc in wards 25 and 27 and we are grateful to Zibagwe rangers for coming in at the right time,” said Cde Mpofu.

Besides Dollar, there is also Chirisa and Gwelutshen­a Game Parks near the area where the animals stray into the communitie­s.

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