Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Man assaults women for refusing with phone numbers

- Sukoluhle Ndlovu Masvingo Correspond­ent

A MAN from Masvingo slapped and punched two women after they refused to give him their cellphone numbers, moments after he had compliment­ed them for their body structures.

This emerged when Paul Mutero (27) was convicted by Masvingo magistrate Ms Conceptor Ngwerume of assault last week. Although he pleaded not guilty to the assault charge, the magistrate found him guilty and ordered him to pay a fine of $1 200 or face two months in jail.

Prosecutin­g, Ms Heather Mhlanga told the court that on 17 October, Mutero met two women, Miss Shine Mudzanga and Miss Tatenda Mudavanhu in the city at about 7pm. Mutero then started commenting on their body structures but they ignored him.

He then asked for their contact numbers but the women again ignored him.

The court heard that Mutero got angry for being ignored and grabbed Miss Mudzanga and slapped her once on the left cheek.

Miss Mudavanhu tried to restrain Mutero but he hit her on the nose and left rib, the court heard.

Mutero only stopped assaulting the women when he saw an approachin­g car and fled.

The case was reported at Chesvingo police who launched a manhunt and arrested Mutero.

In an unrelated incident, a woman from Chief Shumba in Masvingo assaulted her housemate with a switch after she discovered that her clay pot that was boiling with peas on the fireplace had been removed and emptied while she was away.

Shelina Marasha appeared before Ms Ngwerume on 28 October 2020 for sentencing after she pleaded guilty to the assault case. She was ordered to pay a fine of $1 640.

Prosecutor, Ms Mhlanga told the court that on 20 October, Marasha who was staying with Ms Rumbidzai Chipundo arrived home at around 12pm from a neighbouri­ng farm.

She found a clay pot which she had left on the fire place with peas emptied and set aside.

The court heard that Marasha quizzed Ms Chipundo on why her pot was now empty and when she did not get a satisfacto­ry answer, an argument arose.

Ms Mhlanga said Marasha then started beating up Ms Chipundo with open hands several times on the face. She then took a switch and beat Ms Chipundo several times all over the body.

Ms Chipundo later reported the case to police leading to Marasha’s arrest.

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