The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Honour the national pledge

- Sibusiso Ndlamini, Via e-mail.

EDITOR — The national pledge is an oath to Zimbabwe. The introducti­on of the national pledge in primary and secondary schools is a positive idea, which is commended and must be put into practice by all schools nationwide.

All schoolchil­dren are required to recite the national pledge. Reciting of the pledge will enable schoolchil­dren to cherish their Zimbabwean identity and value their heritage. Schoolchil­dren are supposed to know the gains of the liberation struggle, history and cultural traditions. The national pledge will inculcate in them national consciousn­ess and patriotism.

It is worrisome to hear that teachers in Masvingo Province have criticised the introducti­on of the national pledge by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education.

They reportedly condemned Primary and Secondary Education Minister Dr Lazarus Dokora, saying the national pledge was a Zanu-PF mantra.

Just like singing of the National Anthem, reciting of the national pledge is a national vow.

Zimbabwe is not the only country that wants to recite the national pledge. Countries like Singapore, Ghana and Nigeria have national pledges.

In Nigeria, students began reciting the national pledge as early as 1976. In Singapore, students were introduced to the national pledge in 1966. Reports show that students begin reciting the national pledge before the start of each school day.

It must be noted that the national pledge was initially recited mainly in classrooms. Since then, the national pledge has been recited during National Day occasions, the National Day Parade and at school assemblies.

While there has been concern that the national pledge is a Zanu-PF propaganda tactic, a look at the words reveals nothing that can be linked to Zanu-PF.

The pledge of allegiance for infant children in schools is recited as, “Almighty God, in whose hands our future lies, I salute the national flag, I commit to honesty and dignity of hard work”. In that pledge, there is no single word that is aligned to the revolution­ary party.

 ??  ?? Dr Dokora
Dr Dokora

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