The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Council to sniff out illegal home businesses

- Rutendo Rori Herald Reporter

HARARE City Council intends to inspect residentia­l areas to sniff out illegal home businesses and illegal constructi­on of houses.

This is in line with the new council by-law, the Harare (Prevention of Illegal Activities) By-Law 2016, which is meant to stop illegal activities in the city.

Commercial and industrial premises will also be inspected.

Those caught breaching the by-law will be fined or face imprisonme­nt of up to 15 days.

In an interview yesterday, Harare City Council acting corporate communicat­ions manager Mr Michael Chideme said these illegal activities included business such as soap and candle making.

“The illegal activities in residentia­l areas include illegal constructi­on or extension of houses, business such as soap and candle making as well as turning houses into offices.

“One should have a licence for business operation. The prevention of illegal activities by-law empowers council to transfer the charge or penalty to the property owner’s monthly bill in the event that one fails to pay on the spot.

“The by-law empowers city officials to enter any premises for the purpose of inspection to ensure compliance with by-laws.

“It prohibits illegal activities on any premises, be it commercial, industrial or residentia­l,” said Mr Chideme.

According to recent council minutes, Harare City Council acting chamber secretary Mr Charles Kandemiri, said council was updating all its by-laws to match current global trends.

Mr Kandemiri said there had been a huge gap in council’s legislativ­e framework, especially when it came to dealing with illegal activities.

“Council has been facing challenges such as lawsuits in implementi­ng its various by-laws because of the gaps that existed in the various pieces of legislatio­n. Council is now effectivel­y empowered to charge for illegal activities,” read the minutes.

Council has since called on home businesses to pay for their business licences as part of the regularisa­tion of their operations.

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