The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Choosing your destiny

Before you become prosperous, successful people are presented before you. Are you delighted by other people’s success? Do not insult them, choose your destiny by making wise decisions.


IHAVE taught people on making decisions in life, choosing their God given destinies. One thing remains and you have to master this part. God is never in a position where he forces someone to make decisions or choices. All your choices are independen­t from God’s control. God does not manipulate us or force us to make certain choices.

If he wants you to go for the right thing, he simply encourages you. He motivates you and prompts you to make the right decision. He might whisper to you and there are promptings of the Holy Spirit that will lead you into making the right decision.

It is entirely up to the free will already given to you by God. What is predestine­d is the outcome, the end result of what you have willingly chosen. That is what God has predetermi­ned, the consequenc­es of your choice. It is never your choice that is predestine­d by God.

Everyone is born and designed according to the will of God. The day you are born, you come from somewhere into another place. Being born in a poor family does not mean that you are supposed to be poor. Being born in a place, however, does not mean you are born to be in that place forever. The people in that place chose to be where they are willingly or unwillingl­y. If you want to move forward in life learn to accept responsibi­lity. You are where you are because of the choices you have made.

Appreciate that I am where I am today because of the choices I have made. There are certain places that when you choose, you get benefits by virtue of being there. A place you choose will determine what you get. Remember in the Bible Lot did not choose to be kidnapped. The place was in the plan of the devil. When the enemy attacked he was caught up in that place.

By choosing a place he chose to be kidnapped. But if you ask him he will tell you that I did not choose that, I only chose the place. There is a lot that is involved in the places that we chose.

Most of us make those choices because we are not aware. You chose certain people because of the 5 percent that you see but the 95 percent of the person that you can’t see, you simply go ahead and choose only to realise that the bigger fraction of the person is not what you accepted. More often people get to make these kind of choices.

You will not find anyone under the sun who will admit to you that I am poor because I have chosen to be poor. Everyone will tell you I don’t want to be where I am in life, but I don’t know what to do. Somehow there are choices we are making every day that are still confirming where we are.

God is in control yes, but to a certain extent, there are things that He cannot do. Just like what he says in the Bible, (Amos 3; 7) “Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” Which means there is someone who is in charge under the sun, isn’t this amazing. It’s not because God is weak, but is too powerful. It’s a sign of authority not weakness. He is too powerful not to want to do it alone, to a level that he is not afraid to distribute some of his authority.

There is a moment in life that you are given an opportunit­y to make a choice to continue in that problem or walk out of it. Realising that you are in a bad situation you can make a choice. Admitting that where I am is a wrong place is a sure sign that you can see the other place, because without that comparison you cannot understand. You can do something about your situation.

If you are sick there are hospitals and clinics meant for this particular purpose. Which means if you experience pain there is a place where you can get help. Going to the hospital then becomes a choice you make. Visiting the hospital is a sign of acknowledg­ement that your problem can be solved. There is sickness in your body, and there is a hospital so it’s just a mat- ter of making a decision. Maybe you have not chosen to be sick, but it’s your choice to remain sick.

I have seen people and prayed for people who were desperate to get their healing. Looking at medical reports some doctors would actually confirm that there is nothing they can do about it. But they recover. It’s just because of the choice, choosing to be well. So do not wait until God decides your destiny. What you do not know is that God has already decided for you. God will never decide again because He has already decided to set you free.

If poverty is given to you by the devil, there is a way that we can do things as a way of maintainin­g what we received from the devil. If you respect the devil and you are delighted in his commandmen­ts poverty shall be in your house. This is a principle in the scriptures. Everyone who is broke is doing something to keep that poverty.

Take for instance poor people who have a common language. They do not know each other, but they are more or less similar in their behaviour. They insult success and attack prosperity today, but tomorrow they are believing God for prosperity.

Learn from Jesus who insulted the fig tree, he did not touch the tree, but spoke words. It’s better to spend the day without saying a word than to speak negative words. Speak positive words because everything around you has the capacity to hear. Do not insult success and do not despise money. Be very careful to lose your poverty, you have to maintain a relationsh­ip with the giver of poverty in order to remain poor.

But if you want to be prosperous and enjoy your God-given destiny, maintain a relationsh­ip with God, the giver of success. The moment you cut ties with the devil you stop receiving informatio­n on how to keep what the devil has given you.

Before you can be successful there are certain individual­s that you have to honour. Before you become prosperous, successful people are presented before you. Are you delighted by other people’s success? Do not insult them, choose your destiny by making wise decisions.

Anything good was given to you by God.

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