The Herald (Zimbabwe)

. . . Kasukuwere, Manyenyeni fight escalates

- Municipal Reporter

THE war of words between Local Government, Public Works and National Housing Minister Saviour Kasukuwere and Harare mayor Councillor Bernard Manyenyeni, has escalated.

In a Twitter conservati­on, Cllr Manyenyeni is now accusing Minister Kasukuwere of meddling in council business.

What started as an innocent chat on Wednesday in which a resident was complainin­g of the filth along Robert Mugabe Road and the intersecti­on of the road with Fifth Street, turned out to be a verbal war between Mayor Manyenyeni and Minister Kasukuwere.

The resident, Linda Masarira @lilomatic wrote: “Cnr Robert Mugabe and Fifth Street in once sunshine City of Harare” and tagged Mayor Manyenyeni and Minister Kasukuwere.

Minister Kasukuwere in turn tagged Mayor Manyenyeni asking: “Is it too hot in the kitchen” and added, “Will go there today. Will try and locate the mayor. Thanks for highlighti­ng the problem.”

Cllr Manyenyeni responded, “No Saviour, No Saint, No Servant, Burn Ben. I got WILL- power — U got REAL power? Get Acting TC (town clerk) to ACT.”

Asked what he meant about the statement, Cllr Manyenyeni said: “Will power is all that I have. Executive leadership, finances (costs, collection) and political interferen­ce are the areas of major concern”.

This is not the first time the two have clashed, with Minister Kasukuwere a fortnight ago rescinding the decision by Harare City Council to sell a Newlands commercial stand to Cllr Manyenyeni for $106 000. Minister Kasukuwere claimed the city was selling the stand for a song.

Cllr Manyenyeni claimed that the minister hurriedly withdrew privileges for councillor­s to buy commercial and/ or industrial stands to “fix” him.

The minister said the decision bordered on abuse of office and self-aggrandise­ment. Director Policy Planning and Programmes Coordinati­on in the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing Mr Nathan Nkomo said Minister Kasukuwere had been disturbed by Cllr Manyenyeni, who thought that he was always out to fix him.

“The ministeria­l decision to rescind the council resolution to sell 5 300 square metres Newlands Commercial stand to him for a song was not personal, he said.

“All the circulars generated by the ministry are sent to the 32 urban local authoritie­s, not only Harare. They are meant to direct and regulate them.

“Sometimes they make decisions which directly benefit the city fathers. In this instance, the spirit of Circular No 12 dated 14 November 2016 is that prime land should not be grabbed under the guise of a misinterpr­eted ministry-generated circular.”

Cllr Manyenyeni claims Minister Kasukuwere hurriedly withdrew privileges for councillor­s to buy commercial or industrial stands in order to “fix” him.

He said the allowances, perks and privileges of councillor­s were provided for by a policy from the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing, not by a mayor or individual councils.

“It is 5 300sqm, the smallest of the stands being sold at that site and with the worst shape, a triangle with an unusable peak.

“I did not choose it. I was shown after it was decided just like any other councillor in the country. Let it also be known that four days after my election as mayor in 2013, I filed a statement of areas of potential conflict and the letter carries the minister’s signature,” he said.

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