The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Seeking solutions through prayer


Psalm 71 vs 20-21; “You, who have shown me great and severe troubles, shall revive me again and bring me up again from the depths of the earth. You shall increase my greatness and comfort me on every side.” YESTERDAY, I received a text from someone I know. The text was full of sorrow and lamented on the state of affairs that were prevalent in the person’s life, “I am so tired, I just want to give up and rest now. I don’t think I can continue to live like this anymore.”

I was saddened by the conclusion that this person had reached then I realised the fact that we all get to that point at some stage, where we just want to give up.

In response to the text, I suggested a book that the individual should read, but I was surprised by the response I got. The person said “I need a practical solution to my problems, not words in a book.”

It got me thinking that sometimes we give people advice based on what we think is good for them, but the reality is that sometimes they will be needing assistance in the form of tangible and practical things that they can use to help them get out of their situation, it could be financial assistance, medicine, clothes, food, etc.

Sometimes we offer solutions that are not necessaril­y what the person requires and therefore the role of the person listening is to be guided by the spirit of the Lord at the right time.

Problems will come and go, but those that have been blessed with the task of solving other people’s problems must seek the counsel of the Lord at all times.

Ultimately, the responsibi­lity for the individual lives of people is something that is bestowed in the hands of the Lord. It is therefore with prayer and supplicati­on that we bring the needs of others to the Altar room.

The single greatest gift we can give those in pain or in need is the gift of prayer.

May we all pray that the Lord meets each one of us at our point of need, but more importantl­y that He provides practical solutions to those in need. Be blessed. REFLECTION­S OF A WORK IN PROGRESS ...

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