The Herald (Zimbabwe)




9 Grind down (9) 10 Nerve pain (9) 12 Precipitat­ion (4) 13 Highly-seasoned sausage (6) 14 Local language (7) 15 Bubbly (9) 17 Man-made (3,6) 18 Faithfulne­ss (7) 19 Films on tape (6) 20 In good health (4) 23 Self-assured (9) 25 Tower of London warder (9) 26 Require (4) 27 Short and thick (6) 29 Tramp (7) 32 Surreptiti­ous (9) 34 Row of columns (9) 35 Underwater missile (7) 36 Flora (6) 37 The red planet (4) 38 Nudity (9) 39 Earth-moving machine (9)


1 Approbatio­n (8) 2 Second sight (12) 3 Tardy (8) 4 Hold-ups (6) 5 Impartial (8) 6 Onerous (10) 7 Verve (7) 8 Specific (10) 11 Hail (5) 16 Sheepdog (6) 19 Barrel (3) 21 Spectacula­r show (8,4) 22 Former U.S. president (6) 23 Senior doctor (10) 24 Cricket fielding position (10) 25 Lad (3) 28 Hungarian capital (8) 29 dangerousl­y unstable (8) 30 Cherish (8) 31 Pals (7) 33 Ma’s name (5) 34 Ill-tempered (6).

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